British Crown Hero: Sir Tom Moore dies at 100


British Crown Hero
Sir Tom Moore dies at 100

Because he walked his garden with his walker during the Corona crisis and raised millions in donations, Tom Moore became a British national hero. The Queen herself ennobled him. Now he dies in hospital at the age of 100.

British WWII veteran Tom Moore, who became a Corona hero through his fundraising campaign, is dead. His family announced it on Twitter. She shares a photo of the man with the years 1920-2021.

The family had only announced on Sunday that the 100-year-old was hospitalized with a corona infection. He tested positive for the virus a week ago after pneumonia, he said. Therefore, he needed extra help to breathe.

Moore had originally planned to walk through his yard a hundred times with his walker before turning 100 in late April 2020 and getting sponsored for it. He was hoping to raise £ 1,000 this way, but the campaign was so popular that Moore eventually raised £ 33 million for the NHS, the UK’s national health service.

The oldest became a national celebrity. The military named him “honorary colonel” and in July he was personally knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. Even after his admission to the hospital, many people around the world wished him a speedy recovery.
