Britain Warning: New Corona variant “out of control”


The British government sounds alarmed: The new variant of the coronavirus must be controlled, Health Minister Hancock said. Everyone should behave with the same care as if they were infected.

Scientists and politicians are concerned about a new variant of the coronavirus that is currently spreading rapidly in south-east England. “It’s out of control and we have to get it back under control,” Health Secretary Matt Hancock told the BBC. The country faces a huge challenge.

According to the first findings of the authorities, the mutation with the name VUI2020 / 12/01 is significantly more contagious than the previously known form. However, there is no evidence that the variant triggers more severe disease courses or leads to increased mortality. Furthermore, authorities have so far assumed that vaccines are also effective against the mutation.

18,000 infected people in hospitals

Hancock said he was very concerned about the healthcare system. There are currently more than 18,000 people infected in hospitals, almost as many as at the height of the first wave of infections in the spring. “That is another reason why everyone must adhere to the new rules and take personal responsibility,” he said.

Hancock told Sky News that everyone should behave as if they are infected with Corona. “That is the only way we can control the virus.”

Curfew also at Christmas

To contain the virus, a tough lockdown with curfews has been implemented in the capital London and across much of south-east England, including during the Christmas period. More than 16 million people are affected. Hancock did not rule out that the stricter measures of the so-called level 4 would remain in force “in the coming months.

According to initial analyzes by British scientists, the new variant has an unusually large number of genetic changes, especially in the spike protein. This protein is required by the virus to enter cells. The vaccine used in Great Britain by the Mainz company Biontech generates an immune response precisely against this protein. Therefore, there are concerns that the vaccine against the new variant will not work.

Mayor of London: Travel “wrong”

London Mayor Sadiq Khan showed understanding for the closure, in which non-essential shops and facilities must also close. Still, “it is the coming and going that leads to so much fear, despair, sadness and disappointment,” Khan told the BBC.

Understand that people want to travel with their families at the last second before travel bans go into effect. “But it’s wrong,” said the mayor. And regarding corona vaccines, he added: “How will you feel if you pass the virus on to older relatives, loved ones, whose lives could be long and fertile due to the vaccine, but who become infected with the virus and – God not want it – die? “

WHO in contact with British scientists

The World Health Organization (WHO) tweeted overnight that it was in close contact with the UK. The UK authorities would continue to share information and results of their analyzes and studies.

“We will keep Member States and the public informed as we learn more about the characteristics of this variant of the virus and its effects.”

Holland bans flights

The Netherlands has already reacted and banned all flights to and from Great Britain; there are apparently similar considerations in Germany. A virus with the variant described in the UK had already been identified in a random sample in the Netherlands in early December, he said. This case is now being investigated further.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on December 20, 2020 at 11:40 am
