Britain completes Brexit: ‘a great moment’


Eleven months after leaving the EU, the UK also leaves the EU internal market and customs union. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke of a “great moment” for his country.

Britain and the European Union finally divorce: Eleven months after leaving the EU, the UK leaves the EU internal market and customs union. The transition period is over, “a great moment for Britain,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in his New Year’s speech. Britain can now do things differently, “and if necessary better than our friends in the EU.”

“We have our freedom in our hands and it is up to us to make the most of it.” Britain will in the future be an “open, generous” and internationally oriented country that is committed to free trade.

Gibraltar becomes part of the Schengen area

A few hours before the final completion of Brexit, the last hurdles were cleared. The governments of London and Madrid reached an agreement in principle on the future rules of Gibraltar. The provisions of the Schengen Agreement will apply to the British enclave.

The rules for border traffic of the British enclave Gibraltar in the south of the Iberian Peninsula were controversial until the end. Since Schengen rules now apply, border crossings are still possible without passport control. Without the agreement, the border between Gibraltar and Spain would have become a “hard border” between Britain and the EU as of January 1.

French President Emmanuel Macron also addressed Brexit in his New Year’s speech. Britain will remain a close partner of France, Macron said. “The UK remains our neighbor, our friend and our ally.” At the same time, he emphasized that France’s destiny comes first in Europe.

There will also be no fees in the future

Britain left the EU at the end of January 2020. The trade and association agreement negotiated with the EU at the last minute is now aimed at avoiding a hard break. The most important point is that no customs duties or quantity restrictions will be applied in the trade of goods. In addition, the nearly 1,250-page contract regulates many other issues, including fisheries and cooperation in energy, transport, justice and police.

As a result, Britain continues to be bound by European standards in several areas. Still, there are big changes. In future, controls will be necessary at the borders because the rules have to be checked, even for agricultural products. For citizens, the ability to simply move is over. Visa-free travel will also be time-limited in the future.

NDR Info reported on this issue on December 31, 2020 at 10:19 am
