Britain: Boris Johnson toughened up crown rules


In Britain, the number of new infections had increased rapidly recently. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has now announced how a three-stage alarm system will save the country from total lockdown.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is tightening restrictions in parts of the country in the fight against the corona pandemic. To control the number of new infections, stricter rules should apply from Wednesday, the prime minister said in London’s Parliament on Monday. “We have to act to save lives,” said Johnson, who has been criticized for dealing with the pandemic.

Johnson wants to control the growing number of corona cases in England with a three-stage alarm system. Depending on the level of risk (medium, high or very high), stricter measures should be applied. MPs have yet to agree on Tuesday. “The next few weeks and months will be difficult,” admitted Johnson. The head of government wants to avoid a closure like in the spring at all costs: schools, universities and shops must remain open this time.

Outdoor gatherings are allowed

Johnson’s new system is intended to simplify the above rules and make them more understandable. In the region around the northern English city of Liverpool, where the prime minister declared the highest risk level, pubs and gyms must close until further notice. Also, members of different households in these regions can no longer meet, indoors or outdoors. In cities and municipalities with the second highest alert level, this ban also applies indoors, but so-called “support bubbles” are still allowed, that is, small support groups and outdoor gatherings.

London Pub District: Bars and pubs in the lower risk category can be open until 10pm (Source: imago images / VX Pub District: Bars and pubs in the lower risk category can be open until 10pm (Source: VX images)

At the lowest warning level, the same rules apply as before for all of England: pubs and restaurants must close at 10pm, and six people is the maximum for meetings. Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland have their own, often stricter measures. For example, Scotland currently has a two-week phase in which the restaurant industry must largely shut down at night.

More patients with Covid-19 than in March

Northern Britain in particular is again hit massively by the spread of the coronavirus. While younger people in particular were infected in late summer, the number of cases is now increasing again in older people as well, and with it the difficult courses.

Stephen Powis, National Health Advisor: He is skeptical of Boris Johnson's plans.  (Source: imago images / I images)Stephen Powis, National Health Advisor: He is skeptical of Boris Johnson’s plans. (Source: I images / imago images)

Currently, even more Covid-19 patients are being treated in the hospital than in the spring. “We now have more Covid-19 patients in hospitals than just before the full shutdown began on March 23,” National Health Advisor Stephen Powis said Monday. Opposition leader Keir Starmer said he was “deeply skeptical that the government has any plans to get the virus back under control.” Several of the measures taken in recent weeks have not had the desired effect.

Great Britain, with its almost 67 million inhabitants, is the country in Europe most affected by the pandemic: according to the statistics agency, there are around 58,000 deaths in which Covid-19 is mentioned on the death certificate. The number of new infections increased by 1,100 in 24 hours and was 13,972 on Monday.
