Brinkhaus warns of a breakdown: “Everyone has to get their ego back on its feet”


As of: 03/30/2021 7:05 am

The union faction leader Brinkhaus warned of a rift between the federal government and the states in the fight against Corona. Berlin Prime Minister Müller said that the federal government would not be deprived of more powers.

After Chancellor Angela Merkel’s criticism of the approach taken by some federal states in the Corona crisis, the leader of the Union’s parliamentary group, Ralph Brinkhaus, has urgently called for cohesion between the federal government and the states. Merkel rightly said that the measures were not enough to break exponential growth and also that the federal government could have more powers. He would like that too, Brinkhaus said in den. daily topics.

But it is also correct: “This can only be done together with the federal states. We have to stay united in the crisis and not work against each other,” the CDU politician warned. More must be done to contain the pandemic. “That doesn’t work in a dispute between the federal government and the federal states, because they are all of good will. Rather, they can only work together. Everyone has to get their ego back on its feet. This is not about election campaigns. It’s not about party interests. It’s not about personal interests. It’s about our country. ”

Ralph Brinkhaus, chairman of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, on Merkel’s demands

Daily Topics 10:15 pm, March 29, 2021

Brinkhaus also urged people to do something for themselves to reduce the number of infections. He urged people to stay home for Easter and avoid private contacts as much as possible. Merkel had on the ARD broadcast Anne Will he criticized the opening strategies of individual federal states on Sunday night and indicated that the federal government could acquire more powers in the fight against the crown.

Müller: Berlin would not be closed to more federal competitions

According to the government mayor Michael Müller (SPD), Berlin would not isolate itself from the federal government. He did not understand Merkel’s remarks as a threat, according to Müller in the ZDF “heute journal.” “If she thinks this is a good measure at the national level, then I say please go ahead.”

The president of the Prime Minister’s Conference reacted sarcastically to Merkel’s criticism of the crown’s management in several federal states, including Berlin. “It also bothers me a bit that the Foreign Ministry is now using appropriate wording to create the impression that some are taking the situation very seriously and cautiously and others are not,” Müller said.

It is about “balancing the possibilities and the very different situations” in the federal states. “It is not the case that everyone does what they want,” emphasized the SPD politician. It is unwise to practice such an “attack on the country”. “We are in the same boat,” Müller said. The federal and state governments have accomplished a lot together.

Dreyer declares corona tests a “civic duty”

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer (SPD), has asked people in Germany to get tested for the corona virus more often than before. “Testing is also a civic duty,” Dreyer told the publishing network in Germany. “Those who get tested help identify infections early, even before symptoms appear and other people can become infected without being noticed.”

In addition to specific protection measures, tests are essential in the fight against the pandemic. Dreyer rejected requests for another prime minister’s conference to fight the crown. “We have to act decisively, we don’t need more federal-state rounds for that,” said the SPD politician. Everyone had to stick to what had been decided. Rhineland-Palatinate systematically applied the emergency brake agreed in the previous Bund-Länder Round.

In addition to restrictions on protection against infection, his government is still working with municipalities and cultural institutions on model projects for careful opening steps, Dreyer said. The following also applies here: “This is only possible with municipalities that are below a seven-day incidence of 50. We cannot enter the third wave with the signal of a large-scale relaxation,” said the Prime Minister. .

04:47 am

Association of cities and municipalities supports the tough course Merkel’s Crown

In the debate on Corona policy, the Association of Towns and Municipalities supported the tough career of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). “The Chancellor rightly warns to limit contacts and take further action,” Chief Executive Gerd Landsberg told the publishing network newspapers in Germany.

“Unfortunately, the federal government and the federal states did not specify the emergency brake, and this must be followed quickly.” Landsberg also came out in favor of providing “clear uniform guidelines” for possible exit restrictions. At the same time, however, he restricted that such restrictions must “be well founded, can only be considered regionally and must be limited in time.”
