Brinkhaus, leader of the union faction: No one can guarantee relaxation for December


ORThe leader of the Union’s parliamentary group, Ralph Brinkhaus, does not want to guarantee that the partial shutdown will end in December. “The plan is to relax in December. No one can guarantee that, ”Brinkhaus told the Funke media group newspapers (Saturday). “But the fact is: without doing something, we certainly won’t have a good December. We have to fight “.

With a view to further toughening up, including curfews, he said: “Much will depend on whether everyone agrees. So we have a good chance of being able to do it loosely. But if people do their thing across the board, then we have a problem. “

In addition, Brinkhaus called for a new debate on federalism in view of the Corona crisis: “A district is not a criterion for solving national or European disasters, nor is a federal state.

We should look closely at the distribution of powers between the federal and state governments in light of how to deal with the pandemic. If people are interested in placing more responsibilities to the federal government, we must approach this task without blinders. The federal system was cut in 1949, in 2020 we will be living in a different world. “
