Brexit: British government foresees traffic jam in Dover for up to two days


Following the end of the Brexit transition phase at the beginning of the year, British authorities expect considerable chaos at the Dover checkpoint, according to an internal document. In January, queues of up to 6,500 trucks are expected in the Kent region, according to a confidential government document reported by The British Guardian.

According to experts’ calculations, in February trucks could take up to two days to reach the check-in point in a traffic jam. The document describes a “worst case scenario.” The authors write that congestion and delays could arise even if the UK still manages to negotiate a trade pact with the EU.

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The negotiations are currently stalling. If there is no agreement, there is a risk of a break with tariffs and other trade barriers by the end of the year. But even if a contract were concluded, the UK would no longer be part of the European internal market from 2021, so some controls would be necessary in any case.

To minimize the feared chaos, experts propose, according to the newspaper, the installation of service stations on the country’s highways. There, truckers should be helped to prepare the necessary documents in good time before the border.

The goal should also be to build a software-based system that ensures a smooth movement of goods. However, there is still a lot of work to be done, as the document shows: 26 government agencies with 100 IT systems will be involved. A major online traffic light system will also be tested from the end of November.

Icon: The mirror
