Brandenburg decides the upper limit for private celebrations – BZ Berlin


Due to the Corona crisis, private celebrations in the apartment or in the garden will only be possible with up to 75 participants in Brandenburg.

The cabinet decided on Tuesday in Potsdam.

► The limitation does not apply to celebrations in restaurants. The limit also does not apply in restaurants, where the number of participants depends on the size of the room, Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (58, SPD) said Tuesday. Whoever fails to comply with the new requirements, which will apply from September 5, will pay a fine of 250 to 1,000 euros.

► Also, deliberately not wearing a crown mask will cost between 50 and 250 euros in the future. The mask requirement applies, among other things, to local public transport and retail.

► Contact sports in the halls are again possible for up to 30 people.

► Large events with more than 1000 people are prohibited until January 1, 2021. The exceptions are drive-ins and concerts.

► Quarantine requirements continue to apply to those who return at risk. The exceptions only apply to commuters, truck drivers, pilots, and students. The obligation to prove remains until October 1. In this respite, Woidke asked people to refrain from traveling to risk areas. Trials are still free.

Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (63, Greens) also said those who reject the masks will need a medical certificate in the future. Also, erotic massages without mask sex are allowed in the future.

All in all, the situation in the state would be stable. There would be 2.7 people infected per 100,000 inhabitants. The start of classes had no serious effects, but the mask requirement is still there, except in the classroom.
