Brandenburg accommodation ban: Anonymous whistleblower informs police of Berlin family in holiday home – Berlin


An anonymous whistleblower informed the police that a family of four from Berlin had rented a holiday home in Neuruppin for the weekend. Officials investigated this indication of a violation of the accommodation ban on Friday night, the North Police Department reported Sunday.

The family could not prove a negative corona test. The vacation home is in a rural district of the city in the Ostprignitz-Ruppin district with no direct neighbors, a police spokesman said on request.

Furthermore, the two small children had already fallen asleep. Therefore, the officials informed the family about the applicable distance and hygiene regulations, but were allowed to stay in the holiday home.

The police have informed the responsible health department, which must now decide on the possible consequences.

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Since Friday, there has been an accommodation ban in Brandenburg for tourists from Berlin and other Corona hotspots in Germany, in which the number of new infections per 100,000 residents had risen to more than 50 in seven days.

Travelers, hikers and visitors are not affected. Even those who have a medically certified negative corona test that was taken no more than 48 hours prior to arrival, or who are traveling, for example for business, can stay overnight, but only without Covid 19 symptoms. (Dpa )
