BR24Live: start of vaccination in Bavaria – hope for the end of the pandemic


Not many doses of vaccines have yet arrived in the Free State, just under 10,000. But there should be faster: almost 100,000 more doses of vaccines have been announced for tomorrow, and as many as Wednesday.

First of all, only people who are particularly at risk are vaccinated, emphasized Bavarian Health Minister Melanie Huml: “People who live, for example, in nursing homes, in facilities that work in the emergency room, in hospitals or people over 80. That means that, on the one hand, we have already intensively exchanged information with households to inform them. Many have already prepared educational work with supervisors in place yyy “.

Huml and Holetschek at the Germering nursing home

Health Minister Huml and Health Secretary Klaus Holetschek (both CSU) arrive at the start of vaccinations at a nursing home in Germering in the district of Fürstenfeldbruck.

BR24 broadcasts live from the start of vaccination in Bavaria from 10 am There will be changes to Germering and Nuremberg.

Independent registration not yet possible

First of all, mobile vaccination teams are in action today and in the days to come. People over the age of 80 who are not living at home should receive a letter in January explaining how they can get a vaccination appointment. To the extent that they are mobile, they must go to the vaccination centers of the districts. Those interested in all of Bavaria will only be able to register for vaccination in a few weeks.

“Right now, we are reaching out first to the institutions that are particularly affected. Starting in mid-January, a tool will be activated where it is possible to register with age and certain criteria ”, said Huml.

Order determined by Spahn

According to the Minister of Health, exactly how fast it will go cannot be predicted reliably. The Bavarian vaccination centers with the mobile teams were able to vaccinate 30,000 people daily on site. But that depends on how much vaccine the federal government supplies. The plan would be 100,000 doses of vaccine per week starting in January. People under the age of 80 are expected to have their turn in February at the earliest.

The order determined by the Federal Ministry of Health stipulates that people of “highest priority” are followed by those of “high priority”, including people over 70 years of age, people with dementia or mental disabilities, doctors, the riot police, residents and employees. of facilities for refugees and the homeless. Everyone else will have to be patient longer.
