BR24Live: Spahn provides information on corona vaccines


1:04 pm.: Spahn: “It’s not about being the first”

Health Minister Spahn (CDU) emphasizes that the search for the corona vaccine is not about being the fastest. “It’s about trust,” Spahn said. “Not by being fast, but by making the vaccine safe, effective and proven.” That’s why Spahn is also concerned about the Russian vaccine. This is also the common understanding in the EU. That is why a vaccine can only be expected after the completion of the phase 3 studies accompanying the Paul Ehrlich Institute. According to Klaus Cichutek, president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), this would be carried out with thousands of test subjects in Brazil, the United States, India and South Africa.

12:57 pm.: President of the Paul Ehrlich Institute: “Germany is one step ahead worldwide”

Klaus Cichutek, president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), is optimistic: The results for a vaccine approval could be there by the end of this year or early next. However, there can always be unforeseen events during the development of a vaccine, which can also lead to termination.

The approval of a vaccine depends largely on the course of the so-called phase 3. The company Biontech has focused on one or two vaccine products, one of the eight global companies that are currently in testing phase 3. “Germany is one step ahead worldwide, “Cichutek said.

12:49 pm.: Spahn relies on voluntary vaccination

Spahn is based on voluntary vaccination. “55 to 65 percent of citizens are required for herd immunity,” Spahn said. When voluntariness leads to the goal, there is no need for obligation.

12:47 pm.: Spahn: “Germany is at the forefront”

In the race for the corona vaccine, Germany is at the forefront, explains Health Minister Spahn.

It is important to have phase 3 studies with thousands, if not tens of thousands, of volunteer test subjects around the world. Incidents like those at AstraZeneca are not unusual, Spahn said.

“We don’t just rely on a vaccine, a technology and a research team. We want a broad portfolio.” The EU is currently negotiating with seven or eight vaccine manufacturers.

12.39 pm.: Intensive discussions with three companies

“We are not there yet,” said Research Minister Anja Karliczek. A vaccine can only be expected in the middle of next year.

The Federal Republic of Germany is financing three companies to develop a corona vaccine with a total of 750 million euros. Among them is the company Biontech, which receives 375 million euros in financing for the development and manufacture of a new technology together with the US manufacturer Pfizer. The Curevac company is financed with 230 million euros. Additionally, IDT Biologica will receive funding from Dessau; financing talks are still ongoing.

11:47 am: Minister of Health Spahn on the status of the corona vaccine search

It’s a global race for the corona vaccine: but when will the first effective drug against Covid-19 be approved in this country? Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), Research Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) and Klaus Cichutek, president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) will inform you at a press conference starting at 12.30 pm how far Germany is researching a suitable coronavirus vaccine.

Hope for an AstraZeneca vaccine is down for now

More recently, there were optimistic voices that a preparation of the AstraZeneca company could be approved this year. But on September 8, the British-Swedish pharmaceutical company had to halt its vaccine study after a study participant in Britain fell ill. Since then, the study has been resumed.

The EU has already secured the purchase of 300 million doses of a possible coronavirus vaccine in a framework agreement with the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca.

Researchers think Russian vaccine is too risky

Russia was the first country in the world to approve a corona vaccine in August. But the researchers expressed concerns: the “Sputnik V” vaccine had not adhered to scientific guidelines, the last phase of testing was skipped without further ado. The vaccine carries too many risks.
