BR24Live: Spahn and Söder at the Nuremberg vaccination center


The inoculation material is already delivered

As announced by the Bavarian Ministry of Health, the vaccination material has been distributed to individual centers since Tuesday. However, it is not about the vaccine itself, but about stockpiling a sufficient supply of needles and syringes. In total, the Ministry of Health has ordered 34 million syringes and 58 million needles, as well as 40 deep freezers. The first of these freezers is already being delivered. Transportation to all vaccination centers must be completed by December 11. This means that up to three million doses of vaccines can be stored at the same time, according to the Ministry of Health.

Each manufacturing company has different storage requirements. Biontech’s vaccine, for example, requires a temperature of -75 degrees for both transport and storage.

Additional procurement processes for the equipment of individual vaccination centers are still ongoing, according to the ministry. The corresponding protective equipment for employees was also ordered.

All hope is in the vaccination

The federal government continually tries to order vaccination doses from various companies. Currently, more than 200 different Covid-19 vaccine candidates are in development, some of which are based on novel vaccine platforms. “If all the manufacturers with whom we have agreed contracts and options through the EU Commission or bilaterally, we will have more than 300 million doses of vaccines for Germany”, said a few days ago the Federal Minister of Health, Spahn . But at the same time it emphasizes that this is the dream.

“We don’t know which vaccine really works and how. And we still don’t know how long the immunity will last.” Jens Spahn, Federal Minister of Health

The federal health minister expects a vaccine to be approved in Europe this year. However, just in case, vaccination centers in Germany should be ready for use from December 15. For the population to be fully vaccinated, it is also crucial which vaccine is specifically approved, because many do not need as strong a cooling as Biontech’s, they can be used in a normal doctor’s practice and that goes much faster, says Spahn.

Possibly vaccination from January 5

According to information from the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation, the crown vaccination in Bavaria could begin on January 5. The date is listed on an internal calendar of the Bavarian Ministry of Health, which is available to the BR. Consequently, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will decide on December 29 whether to approve the vaccine from the manufacturer Biontech / Pfizer. Delivery could begin on January 2, initially at the deep-freeze storage locations. From there, logists would collect the vaccine on January 4 and deliver it to vaccination centers.

Prioritization through vaccination strategy

Due to the limited availability of the vaccine, distribution will be prioritized. According to a recommendation, the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) initially provides for residents of nursing homes and retirement homes, people over 80 years of age, particularly high-risk personnel in medical facilities, personnel in medical facilities In close contact with vulnerable groups, nursing staff vaccinate ambulatory and hospital care for the elderly as well as other workers in nursing homes and elderly in contact with residents. That’s according to information on 8.6 million people. For a complete series of vaccinations, two doses of the vaccine are required 21 days apart.

Dispute over vaccination strategy

Many wellness and professional associations have asked the federal government to reconsider a legal nomination of prioritization. Several professional associations urged that people with disabilities be given higher priority when vaccinating. La Diakonie also came out in favor of immunizing family caregivers.

The Permanent Commission on Vaccination presented recommendations for mass vaccination against Covid-19 in Germany on Monday. This preliminary recommendation went through a three-day comment process until Thursday. Then it must be published and incorporated into a legal ordinance. So that should happen soon.

Resident physicians must issue certificates

Over the weekend, the Federal Ministry of Health presented the draft of an “Ordinance on the right to vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.” This stipulates that general practitioners and specialists in private practice issue high-risk patients with a certificate of vaccination clearance.

The Bavarian Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KVB) has spoken out vehemently against this. “The decision about who, as a high-risk patient, primarily receives a corona vaccine should not be left to the side of general practitioners and specialists,” the KVB board said.

“The idea that millions of vaccination certificates can now be issued in medical offices is absolutely foreign to this world and has nothing to do with reality in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases. The decision about who should be vaccinated right now in The initial phase can and should not be placed on the individual physician. ” Board Members of the Mandatory Health Insurance Physicians Association
