BR24Live: Söder to close Christmas shops


In a government statement in the Bavarian state parliament, Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) spoke out in favor of closing stores after Christmas. Söder announced that if the Prime Minister’s Conference makes the corresponding decision, the Free State will participate.

Previously, the Leopoldina Scientific Council had ruled in favor of the commercial closure between January 24 and 10. In the event of such closures, Söder announced “accompanying measures” and “trade support”.

“It’s about the safety of Bavaria”

In his government declaration, the prime minister campaigned for the approval of the stricter crown rules, which the Bavarian cabinet agreed to in a special meeting on Sunday. These include nightly curfews in crown hot spots, fewer New Year’s Eve contacts, eighth-grade lesson swapping, a ban on outdoor alcohol consumption, and stricter rules for border traffic. The case of a disaster must also be re-determined. “Corona is the greatest catastrophe our generation has ever experienced,” emphasized the Prime Minister.

The second corona wave is worse than the first. Despite the partial lockdown, Bavaria is still a long way from the predicted seven-day incidence of less than 50. “The numbers just aren’t going down.” In addition to appeals, clear rules are needed. “This is about Bavaria’s safety,” Söder stressed.

Söder defends exit restrictions

According to Söder, the motto should now be: “Stay home, reduce contacts.” Therefore, as announced, there should now be not only contact, but also general exit restrictions in Bavaria. This is related to the clear message: “Stay home, protect yourself, and protect others.” The prime minister called for the search for loopholes to be completed.

Söder: “Balance of heart and mind”

Söder again defended the planned relaxation of contact restrictions from December 23 to 26. More is allowed at Christmas, but only with close family and friends. It is about the “feast of hope and family,” Söder emphasized. Especially at Christmas no one should be alone, the decision is a “balance of heart and mind”.

However, the prime minister left a back door open: Söder said the infection figures would “be re-examined very carefully” before Christmas.

This article will be continually updated.
