BR24Live: Söder in BR’s interview on crown lock


Due to the further increase in crown numbers, Bavaria exceeded the value of 200 for the first time in the seven-day incidence. “We Bavaria are particularly affected,” Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said at a press conference after the federal-state summit in Berlin. “If you see it for the country, we are an access point.” Therefore, the state government will impose a night curfew for all of Bavaria.

This means that from Wednesday between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., you will only be allowed to stay outside the apartment in exceptional cases, among other things for medical emergencies, professional activity or animal care. So far, this curfew only applies in certain cities and counties. Söder said that it has worked very well there in recent days. In view of the further increase in crown numbers, this regulation will be extended to the entire Free State. “We just want to cut down on all the private celebrations and private contacts there as well.”

Starting at 6.45 pm, the CSU politician will answer questions from BR editor-in-chief Christian Nitsche for half an hour in an “extra BR.” BR24 shows the TV show in a live broadcast.

Night curfew also on New Year’s Eve

According to the prime minister, this curfew will also apply on New Year’s Eve and is intended to avoid outdoor gatherings. “After 9pm you stay home anyway,” said the CSU politician.

Furthermore, in Bavaria, as in the rest of Germany, a ban on the sale of pyrotechnic products should be enforced before New Year’s Eve. That is de facto a ban on firecrackers, Söder explained. Because if the “normal injuries” that occur each year from firecrackers were added, “hospitals would no longer be able to accept,” explained the Prime Minister. “So there will be an exception this year. That means it will be a quiet New Years Eve. It’s a shame, it’s a real shame, but I think it’s necessary this year.”

Christmas rule: own home plus four relatives

A general exit restriction is already in place throughout Bavaria: based on this, you can only leave the apartment for a valid reason, although the list is relatively long. These reasons also include visiting another home, so the maximum limit of five people (plus associated children under the age of 14) should not be exceeded.

This contact restriction will only be relaxed during Christmas days, December 24-26. Then everyone in your household can welcome four other close relatives (your partner, parents, children, siblings or siblings). It was originally planned in Bavaria to allow gatherings of up to ten people from various households on Christmas, that is now off the table.

Strict conditions for religious services at Christmas

If you want to attend a church service on Christmas days, you must be prepared for strict rules. “For many, this is a major restriction that church services should only be performed with a mask, with registration to maintain distance and without singing,” Söder admitted. “But especially in church it’s about people’s lives, protecting the people. And so I think it’s justifiable.”

Söder: “Corona is out of control”

Söder painted a dramatic picture of the situation in Germany and Bavaria. “Corona is out of control,” he emphasized. “The situation is actually five to twelve again.” That is why the prime ministers of the federal states “no longer wanted to do things by halves, but to act coherently.” The partial blockage of the last weeks was a medicine, but it was not enough. “If we are not careful, Germany will quickly become a problem child across Europe,” the prime minister warned. “That is why we had to and must act.” Clinics were already groaning with tension, every three minutes someone in Germany died from the crown.

The new Corona resolutions are a “bitter pill, but I think this dose is right now,” Söder emphasized. “Real blockade in Germany from Wednesday, for all, consistent and also clearly understandable and enforceable.”
