BR24Live: press conference on the tough crown lock


In view of the persistently high number of corona infections, Germany faces a severe lockdown long before Christmas. The ministers-presidents of the federal states are currently discussing new measures in the fight against the pandemic with Chancellor Merkel via videoconference. According to information from the ARD capital study, there is broad agreement that the stricter rules should go into effect on Wednesday at the latest.

  • BR24 will broadcast the press conference live after consultations

Total block until at least January 10, 2021

The ARD capital study has a draft from the Federal Chancellery, according to which retail trade, hair salons and similar businesses will largely be closed before January 10. However, there are many exceptions: for example, food, beverage and weekly markets, health food stores, pharmacies, medical supply stores, drug stores, gas stations, banks, savings banks and post offices remain open.

Medical treatments and religious services are still possible

Medically necessary treatments, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, as well as podiatry / foot care, are still possible.

Worship services in churches, synagogues and mosques, as well as meetings of other religious communities, are only allowed if the minimum distance of 1.5 meters can be maintained. It is mandatory to wear a mask in the square, it is forbidden to sing in congregations. If full occupancy is expected, visitors must register.

No fireworks sale on New Year’s Eve

Contact restrictions should apply for Christmas, and there should be a national ban on gatherings on New Years Eve and New Years Day. The sale of pyrotechnics on New Year’s Eve should also be banned in general, as can be seen in the present draft of the Chancellery for federal-state consultations. In addition, fireworks are prohibited in “public places”.

The measures taken so far have only managed to “stabilize the infection rate at a high level, but not reduce it,” according to the communication, which is dated Sunday 7.46. Therefore, tougher measures must be taken.

Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in public

The consumption of alcoholic beverages in public is prohibited throughout the country from Wednesday through January 10; This also applies to the mulled wine stands that have recently become very popular. Food delivery and collection should continue to be allowed in restaurants.

Exceptions possible at Christmas, but strictly limited

Christmas days should be allowed to be celebrated again in the family circle this year, but “only on a much smaller scale than usual,” as the template says. Federal states should be able to allow gatherings with five people plus children up to the age of 14 from more than two households from December 24 to December 26, 2020 as an exception to otherwise applicable contact restrictions, “depending of their respective infection rates “. This applies to the “closest family circle.”

Schools and kindergartens are closed

In schools and kindergartens, contacts will also be “significantly restricted” between December 16 and January 10. During this time, children should be cared for at home whenever possible. Therefore, schools will be closed or compulsory attendance will be suspended during this period, ”the bill says.

“Emergency care is guaranteed and distance education is offered.” For the parents of Kita’s children, additional opportunities will be created to take paid leave to care for their children. In the document, employers are “urgently asked” to examine whether workplaces can be closed for company holidays or “generous home office regulations” before January 10.

Protective measures for the elderly and nursing homes

Special protection measures should be taken for nursing homes and for the elderly, as well as for mobile care services. The federal government supports this with protective medical masks and by assuming the costs of rapid antigen tests. The federal states will order mandatory tests several times a week for nursing home and senior staff. In regions with a higher incidence, evidence of a current negative corona test will be mandatory for visitors.

Retail Trade Fears Mass Deaths Inside Cities

The German Trade Association (HDE) fears that the looming tougher blockade will result in the loss of up to 250,000 jobs in city centers. Under normal circumstances, December is the most important month of the year, says HDE Managing Director Stefan Genth of “Bild am Sonntag.” “It is a total failure in the pandemic.”

Of the 560,000 retail jobs in the city center, between 150,000 and 250,000 jobs are therefore seriously threatened. In the case of a strict lockdown, Genth demanded the same compensation for retail as for hospitality. “If the stores are closed, they must be compensated with 75 percent of the previous year’s turnover. That already requires equal treatment.”
