BR24Live: Bavarian pubs can reopen from September 19


2:02 pm.: Spectators in professional football – Söder quite skeptical

When it comes to the question of whether and since when spectators are possible again in professional sport, Söder hopes for a “uniform solution” at the national level. It’s not just about regional fans, but about the acceptance of the sport as a whole.

1:44 pm.: Around 480,000 corona tests on return travelers

According to Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU), around 480,000 corona tests have been performed at the return traveler testing centers in Bavaria. Of these, almost 6,000 were positive. According to Huml, the number of infections is currently increasing, especially among young people aged 15 to 34, including many returnees. In this age group, the behavior in free time is “perhaps a little more extravagant,” explained the minister.

Söder had previously emphasized that no other federal state had established as many test stations as Bavaria. In addition, they also “tested for other federal states.” Consequently, 80 per cent of the assessed holiday returnees were from Bavaria and 20 per cent from other parts of Germany. In addition, 67 percent of those infected were family members recently returned from abroad.

1.35pm.: Mask requirement for larger events

For larger outdoor gatherings, a mask requirement will apply in Bavaria from tomorrow (9 September). The obligation applies “at least if there are more than 200 participants”. That was also decided by the cabinet today.

Looking ahead to a recorded demonstration against the crown measures over the weekend in Munich, Prime Minister Söder said: Opponents of the anti-crown measures are a small part of the population, but they are becoming more aggressive. The risk of radicalization is “greater than you think.” Freedom of assembly is a great good. Interior Minister Herrmann emphasized that the police were well prepared.

1:27 pm.: Amateur sport completely possible again

Regular amateur sport will be allowed again in Bavaria from September 19, including in league operations. Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) stressed that the experience so far with the first easing has been positive. Söder had previously said that the same rules should apply as for culture, this applies in particular to the audience. According to this, as of September 19, up to 200 spectators are allowed inside and up to 400 outside. In the Free State alone there are more than 4,300 soccer clubs participating in the games.

1:19 pm.: Bavaria’s bars and pubs may open

They were closed for a long time; now, the pure taverns of Bavaria can also reopen. Prime Minister Söder just said that. Soon the same rules will apply to bars and pubs as to “normal gastronomy”. According to Söder, this means, among other things, that guests must wear a mask to the venue. Also, according to Söder, local health authorities can, if necessary, ban alcohol from 11 pm if the number of infections in a region is particularly high.

According to the Prime Minister, discos and clubs remain closed. Söder warned that these could become “infection bombs.”

1:10 pm.: Test centers on main highways and train stations until the end of September

Test centers for returning travelers to three service stations on the Bavarian motorway and the main train stations in Munich and Nuremberg will be dismantled at the end of September, according to Söder. From the test of the returnee, he must pass “to the test in the municipal test centers”. According to Söder, the test centers at Munich, Nuremberg and Memmingen airports will remain in place.

13:02: Söder continues for “prudence and caution”

At the start of the press conference, Prime Minister Söder declared: “Corona is back in Europe in full force.” New areas of risk are identified every day. In Germany, however, there is no “exponential leap”. In this sense, there is currently no reason to panic, but for “prudence and prudence,” Söder stressed.

12.35 pm.: President of Dehoga warns about “wave of bankruptcies”

The German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga) asks for more help for its members. In a survey, 61 percent of Dehoga members stated that they were in dire straits. “If no more aid arrives and other measures are taken, then we will see a wave of bankruptcies advancing towards us,” Dehoga president Guido Zöllick said in an interview with Bayern 2. Although there is state bridge aid, it is only requested with caution, “because it is too bureaucratic and because the obstacles are too high.”

12.11 pm.: Today begins school in Bavaria

The new school year begins today, Tuesday, in the Free State, due to the corona pandemic with some special features. Yesterday, the Bavarian Administrative Court rejected an urgent request from a mother who wanted her son to be exempted from wearing a face and nose mask in a secondary school for the first two weeks of school.

Culture Minister Michael Piazolo (Free Voters) will also attend today’s press conference after the cabinet meeting. Everything else about starting school in Bavaria can be found in this BR24 article: and from 5.30 pm in a BR24Live.

11:40 am: Starting early for amateur footballers?

Bavarian amateur football can look forward to an early restart of the league’s operations. According to “Münchner Merkur”, the state government wants to face a possible end to the mandatory interruption of competition due to the corona pandemic. More recently, the Bavarian Football Association (BFV) even threatened to sue, and in a poll it secured the support of clubs in the Free State.

Deputy Prime Minister Hubert Aiwanger also spoke in favor of easing on Monday. “Now it would be a victory for Corona, if Bavarian amateur football, if Bavarian popular sports clubs were eliminated by Corona,” said the head of the Free Voters.

11.15 am.: Demo announced in Munich

According to BR information, Bavarian ministers are now also dealing with the security situation in the Free State, especially during the demonstrations. A demonstration against the state government’s anti-crown measures is scheduled for next weekend in Munich. On the sidelines of a similar demonstration in Berlin at the end of August, hundreds of demonstrators broke through the barriers of the Reichstag building and took up residence in front of the visitor entrance.

11.07 am.: New criticism of Bavaria’s corona test centers

There are also reportedly problems with staffing and hygiene conditions at the testing centers for travelers returning to Bavaria. This is reported by the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. Consistent with this, security employees and students who have been trained extremely quickly are often deployed and engagements are sometimes not carried out properly.

This is also causing disgust within the Bavarian government coalition. According to the report, Fabian Mehring, parliamentary director of Free Voters in the state parliament, has already addressed Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) “by phone and by letter.” If you put the “test, test, test” creed behind which it stands, it should also work. “It should also be clear that the test centers are adequately controlled,” Mehring emphasized.

11:02 am.: The cabinet advises on corona tests

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), the Bavarian cabinet is currently advising on additional anti-crown strategy in the Free State. It is mainly the lessons of renewed delays in the transmission of corona test results that were carried out on returning travelers. In principle, however, the state government wants to adhere to the fact that everyone in Bavaria can get tested for the corona virus for free and without symptoms. The press conference is now streamed live here (at the top of this article).
