Boris Johnson at the Conservative party conference: “There is no one here to applaud”


These days Boris Johnson seems to disappear a lot. Recently, when the British prime minister tried to line up his increasingly grumpy conservative faction in a video conference, the connection was broken mid-sentence. For about ten minutes the group remained without a leader, one of them began to chirp “Rule Britannia” in the meantime, and only then did Johnson’s face appear on the screen again.

On Monday, the head of government was supposed to speak to paying representatives of the British economy during his Conservative party’s virtual conference. But again technology played a trick on him. And so, according to British media reports, company bosses stared at the erratic “Build Back Better” conference logo for nearly an hour.

Because on the same day it emerged that since the end of September more than 15,000 people infected with Covid-19 had practically been overlooked due to a computer failure, some are now wondering: Are all these just technical problems? Or is it possible that the fault lies with the political system? And especially about the man at the helm?
