Bones found in Berlin-Pankow: alleged cannibal act – remains come from missing persons – police and justice – Berlin


The bone parts found eleven days ago in Pankow come from a person, Stefan T. de Lichtenberg, who has been missing since September 5. Police announced Thursday.

Police have evidence of cannibalism, as the prosecution, Martin Steltner, confirmed to the German press agency on Thursday night. The newspaper “Bild” had previously reported that the investigators assumed an act of cannibalism for sexual reasons.

This is supported by the fact that the bone found was said to have no meat, he said, citing law enforcement circles. Consequently, it is assumed that T., 44, was the victim of a cannibal.

Earlier it was officially said that the police suspected that T. had become the victim of a sexual murder on low grounds. A 41-year-old man from Pankow was arrested Wednesday on “urgent suspicion of homicide,” police said Thursday. He was taken into custody and a judge issued an arrest warrant on suspicion of sexual murder on low grounds.

So far, the suspect, a high school teacher, has remained silent, the “Bild” newspaper reported. The records of the conversation between victim T. and the suspect should show that the two had agreed to meet.

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According to the report, the suspect should not only have searched the internet for dates. Rather, the researchers are said to have found out in his Google search history that he should have been interested in cannibalism.

Since September 5, Stefan T. had disappeared without a trace, the installer of the tall cable construction had left their shared apartment in Lichtenberg shortly before midnight. The case is reminiscent of the “cannibals of Rotenburg”.

Memory of the “cannibals of Rotenburg”

In March 2001, a man who was then 39 years old castrated, killed, massacred and later partially ate a 43-year-old engineer from Berlin. The case was not discovered until December 2002.

Consequently, in front of the camera, the perpetrator killed the victim, allegedly with his full consent, and ate parts of her. The man divided the human meat, the police found it, divided into plastic bags, in his freezer.

Impersonator in Neukölln: “Metzger030” hit in 2004

In 2004, a man from Neukölln tried to imitate the “man-eater from Rotenburg”. In 2004, a painter had posted an ad on an Internet forum under the pseudonym “Metzger30” under the title “Septemberbraten”.

I was looking for a “man who was available as a feast.” But in the end, the Neukölln man backed down: he did not eat his victim’s flesh.

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The current Berlin case came to light after strollers discovered the bone pieces on November 8 in a forest in Buch. Due to suspicions that they were human remains, the forensic medicine took over the investigation. Sniffer dogs were used and other bone parts were seized.

Police were looking for the 44-year-old missing person with photos and clues. According to the information, the man worked as an installer in the construction of high cables and used various dating platforms to meet both men and women.

On November 8, the strollers discovered several bones while walking their dog in a forest on Buchholzer Graben. As it could not be ruled out that they were human remains, they were seized by the forensic medicine department. (Tsp, dpa)
