Bomb in Cologne: bomb detonated in a controlled manner during the night


Suburb –

Pump alarm again in Cologne! During construction works on Tuesday morning (October 6) in Cologne-Klettenberg on Luxemburger Strasse, a blind man from World War II was found.

Bomb found on Luxemburger Strasse in Cologne-Klettenberg.

The location of the bomb was between the Sülzgürtel and the military network, at number 342.

It was a ten-hundred-peso bomb with a long detonator. The site was at number 342 (between Sülzgürtel and Militärringstrasse). Approximately 7,200 people had to be evacuated, a quite large number for a single bomb.

Bomb found in Klettenberg: The explosion took place during the night

Since the bomb could not be defused, it had to be exploded on the spot. The controlled demolition took place at 1.10 am, the remains were removed overnight.

Road closures have been gradually lifted, the city said. Public transport could work again without restrictions.

Residents in the evacuation area can return to their homes and apartments. Only the houses adjoining where they were found at 342 Luxemburger Strasse still had to be examined for damage before they could be released.

For the controlled explosion, 30 cubic meters (about 42,000 kilograms) of sand were brought to the disaster site.

The Cologne Klettenberg bomb cannot be defused and should explode at night.

A police patrol car is parked on the light rail in a road block on Luxemburger Strasse. After a ten-quintal bomb from World War II was found in Klettenberg, an area with more than 7,000 inhabitants was evacuated. The bomb was detonated in a controlled manner on Wednesday night (October 7).

209 people stayed at the “Südstadion” contact point until late at night. To date, a total of 68 patient transfers have been carried out. Sick or disabled people also returned home by ambulance.

At the corner of Sülzburgstrasse and Luxemburger Strasse, a KVB shuttle bus picked up residents of the evacuation zone who did not want to stay in the cold and offered to take them to the warm “Südstadion” contact point. Those affected receive hot drinks and meals there.

Bomb found in Cologne: all information at a glance

All information about the pump in Cologne-Klettenberg can be found here in the overview:

  • Detonate the bomb: at 1.10 am
  • Location of the pump in Cologne: Klettenberg, Luxemburger Strasse 342
  • Cologne pump type: Long detonator air bomb
  • Bomb evacuation radius in Cologne: about 500 meters
  • Deactivation start: The closure of the airspace has been requested for 6.15 pm.
  • Number of people affected by the evacuation in Cologne: 7200 people

Cologne bomb: the family did not want to leave the apartment

Due to the long-term detonator, all buildings around the site had to be evacuated immediately. Further evacuation of the area was carried out from the discovery site: the evacuation radius was 500 meters.

Bomb in Cologne: the radius of the evacuation in Klettenberg.

The radius of evacuation of the bomb in Cologne-Klettenberg.

Unfortunately, not everything went according to plan: a rebellious family had to be taken from their apartment with the help of the police.

In addition, closures in the south of Cologne caused traffic chaos. In part, the traffic backed into the A4. At the same time, many side streets were narrow.

  • the KVB Line 18 it does not run between the “Eifelwall” and “Hürth-Hermülheim” stops.
  • the KVB Line 13 He drove on the normal route coming from Ehrenfeld only to “Zülpicher Straße / Gürtel”, from there to the terminus of line 9 (Sülz, Hermeskeiler Platz).
  • the Luxemburger Strasse it was closed from Sülzburgstraße (to Militärringstraße).

A contact point has been established for evacuated residents in Cologne’s southern stadium (access via Vorgebirgsglacisweg).

There was also a shuttle service with KVB buses from the evacuation area to the point of contact.

Last bomb found in Cologne five weeks ago in Müngersdorf

The last time a fiasco was found in Cologne was exactly five weeks ago, on September 1 near the Rhein-Energie-Stadium in Müngersdorf.

The evacuation radius was 800 meters. Approximately 4,100 people and 50 horses were affected. The contact point for residents was set up at the Rhein-Energie-Stadion, where some 100 people sometimes stayed.

That same night, around 6:50 pm, the bomb was detonated in a controlled manner. At the time, too, it was a ten-quintal bomb with a long detonator. (tw / mt)
