Bomb clearance in Göttingen: evacuation in progress | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony


From: 01/30/2021 7:26 am

The evacuation of residents for large-scale bomb disposal in Göttingen has begun. Up to four World War II failures are suspected. The city provides evacuation centers.

Around 8,300 residents have had to leave their houses and apartments since this morning. Buses take residents to evacuation centers. “So far, the evacuation has gone smoothly, it is working as planned,” the Göttingen police press spokeswoman said in the morning. Around 500 people have registered the need for accommodation.

There are three evacuation centers available

The evacuation area within a kilometer radius of the site on Godehardstraße was divided into three sectors (blue, green and red), the city announced. There is an evacuation center available for each zone. There are two schools and the central cafeteria of the University of Göttingen. There will also be free FFP2 skins there. Who belongs to which zone depends on the respective residential address. The city published, among other things, lists of specific streets and a corresponding card.


A photo from a drone shows the location of several suspected rags in Göttingen.  © NDR

1 minute

8,300 people have to leave their homes on Saturday. All four objects must be deactivated. 1 minute

Free FFP2 masks for local residents

The city announced that the accommodation would be “pandemic-friendly.” When choosing the building, care was taken to ensure that they could be accommodated in many individual rooms. All affected residents are also required to receive FFP2 masks free of charge during their stay. You should also keep your distance. The state of Lower Saxony previously had the current Crown regulation in the situation in Göttingen Regarding the deactivation of bombs and evacuations, he added.

Possibly an aerial bomb with a Landgzeit wick

In early January, four suspicious objects were found on the ground during construction work in Göttingen’s Weststadt. According to the explosive ordnance disposal service, there is at least one fiasco between them, at a depth of twenty feet, possibly with a long-term detonator. It could be an allied air bomb from WWII, which was not designed to detonate immediately, but with a time delay as an unpredictable hazard. In old aerial photographs, the impacts can also be seen exactly at the find site.

Defuse or explode with a shock wave?

If there are one or more pumps involved, the ordnance disposal service must defuse them. If this is not successful, a controlled demolition will take place. The result would be a pressure wave that could also break windows. The worst case scenario: The bomb explodes in an uncontrolled way, as in 2010 when it was deactivated very close. Three people were killed and two others were seriously injured. The dead were members of the munitions disposal service.

The deactivation will probably last until Sunday

The deactivation should begin at 10 am Based on the four suspected cases, the city assumes that the action will last until Sunday night between 10 pm and 2 am, if all goes well. Residents were asked to seek accommodation outside the restricted area, for example in private settings or hotels. In addition, a citizen telephone with the number (0551) 400-4048 furnished.

More information

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 01/30/2021 | 8:00 am

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