Bohlen Leaves DSDS And Super Talent: New Details About RTL-Aus – Secret Meetings Spoken


Dieter Bohlen will no longer be with DSDS from 2022, as announced by RTL. There should be a whole new jury formation. Now speculation about a successor begins.

DSDS (RTL): Dieter Bohlen gets 2.5 million per season from DSDS – RTL wants to save

Update March 13 at 3:50 pm: Every day there is new speculation about the DSDS and the super talent of Dieter Bohlen. The online portal reports that RTL will have to make savings next year. It probably also means that they would cut Dieter Bohlen’s salary. DSDS chief jury receives 2.5 million euros per season, reports Promiflash. Bohlen would not have received this salary in the next year. It is said that there was a secret meeting between the broadcaster, the producer and Dieter Bohlen, but the 67-year-old man allegedly rejected the salary offer. Another problem: it should have been difficult to find co-jurors for DSDS. “His appearance was absolutely out of date. There was great difficulty filling the seats next to him on the jury, ”an RTL employee said in an interview. Meanwhile, around 40 celebrities have rejected the DSDS application.

DSDS (RTL): Emotional explosion on the set of DSDS in Mykonos: “He freaked out”

Update March 13 at 3:50 pm: Did DSDS Chief Jury Dieter Bohlen know of your “firing”? An employee must use the online portal. He said otherwise that Bohlen should have been quite upset during the filming of the current season 18 in Mykonos when it was said that the ratings for “Das Supertalent” were not good. “He got scared and he got loud because he was angry. He gave the impression that he was very tense, ”said the employee. Filming took place in the fall of 2020.

How Promiflash reports, an informant is said to have disclosed that there should have been a true parting mood during the shooting. The phrase “this season will be very special” is said to have been heard over and over again on set. “That didn’t make sense because there was no anniversary. But now, according to the latest news, it all makes sense, “said the source. An honest and open statement from pop titan Dieter Bohlen would definitely create clarity. But we could probably wait a bit longer for that.

Dieter Bohlen (DSDS / RTL): Pietro Lombardi posts a review with Dieter Bohlen

Update on March 13 at 10:36 am: Dieter Bohlen fans are still waiting for a statement from their TV hero. But he still avoids a direct statement and remembers on his Instagram stories. He posts screenshots of various articles on his departure from “DSDS” and “Supertalent.” But that could also convey a message, if you pay attention to which article Bohlen shows. Among them, for example, the headlines: “Why DSDS is lost without Bohlen” or “If Bohlen works, DSDS could work too”. A hidden indication that it was not Dieter Bohlen’s decision to leave?

Bruce Darnell’s Instagram channel is also suspiciously quiet. On the other hand, a good friend and longtime companion of Dieter Bohlens has a lot to say: Pietro Lombardi. Post a video of him and Bohlen with their most beautiful DSDS moments. Among other things, he writes: “More than 10 years of friendship, more than 10 years of team!” And “You are and will continue to be a legend.”

His fans also comment: “DSDS without Dieter is not DSDS!” Or “Without Dieter, DSDS is just boring …”. Others see it as an opportunity for Pietro to take over the show in the future: “IF there is a successor to Dieter … it can ONLY be YOU !!”, so an Instagram user. This comment gets more than 300 likes, and the comment “… and that’s why you’ll be on the jury starting next year and represent it!” It even accumulates 537 hearts. But other speculations about successors can also be found in the post. For example, a follower throws Oliver Pocher into the ring as a possible successor to Bohlen.

Dieter Bohlen: look back at the DSDS era

Update March 12 at 8:06 pm: After RTL officially announced Dieter Bohlen’s television shutdown on “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” and “Supertalent,” the pop titan reported on Instagram on Friday. And let the pictures speak instead of the words.

Bohlen posted a story on his Instagram profile, starting with a screenshot of one. Bild.deReport. Title: “These images will never be there again.” Below are photos of Bohlen with former “DSDS” winners like Mark Medlock, Luca Hänni or Beatrice Egli. There are also snapshots of the 67-year-old with former jury colleague Pietro Lombardi or long-term candidate Menderes.

DSDS (RTL): Bohlen lets the pictures do the talking after his RTL is turned off

According to picture The RTL-Aus von Bohlen should also be related to his sometimes rude tone towards the DSDS candidates. The station is said to have disliked the music producer’s sometimes gruff manners. The former modern speaking singer apparently refers to that in his story. And it responds in its own way.

Part of Bohlen’s Instagram story shows “the best of” his “toughest sayings.” Ends with another Its headline says a lot: “Why DSDS is lost without tables.” Sounds like an irreconcilable ending to RTL and Dieter Bohlen’s long history of success.

Super talent (RTL): juror Bruce Darnell is no longer there

Update March 12 at 9:35 am: Dieter Bohlen will be absent from the casting shows “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” and “Das Supertalent” with immediate effect. Rumors that this could be more of an announcer’s decision than the pop titan’s are growing. Because: as has now become known, Bruce Darnell, Dieter Bohlen’s former co-jury, will no longer be part of the party. The sender confirmed this to the portal. Nor will it rate anyone in the “Super” category. The season kicks off Fall 2021 on RTL with a brand new lineup. Bohlen himself has yet to comment on the current situation. Bruce is also not known to have made any statements.

But not only the two icons of the jury have to go. It’s also clear that the other members of the “DSDS” and “Supertalent” jury will no longer be there next season. With “Supertalent” this concerns Chris Tall and Evelyn Burdecki, with “DSDS” Maite Kelly and Mike Singer.

DSDS (RTL): There is a crisis behind the scenes

Update on March 11 at 5:45 pm.: Behind the scenes of RTL and “Germany is looking for the superstar” there is probably a crisis. Dieter Bohlen will no longer be there in the next season of DSDS, not even with “Das Supertalent”. Like the online portal reported, RTL has parted ways with Dieter Bohlen and not the other way around. An RTL employee imagines: “That amounts to being expelled. Their contract expired, but it was renewed every year. That was actually custom. Now Bohlen wanted to continue, but they just didn’t want it anymore.”

The station could no longer benefit from Bohlen, DSDS’s ratings were lowered. A close friend of the head of DSDS, Dieter Bohlen, in the photo interview: “This decision and announcement was definitely not in Dieter’s sense. You can see it from the way the RTL message is worded. Someone who has made an announcer fee for 18 years to fire so succinctly just doesn’t do him justice. That is why Dieter did not want to comment on this communication. But gratitude isn’t that far off in this store anyway. Those who decide on RTL now don’t seem to know exactly what it is. ” What is certain is that there will definitely be much more to come. Dieter Bohlen has not yet commented on the matter.

First report of March 11. 12:30 pm: Cologne – After almost 20 years, DSDS veteran and chief jury member Dieter Bohlen throws in the towel! As reports, the TV format will surprise its fans with an entirely new jury line-up in 2022. But the pop titan will no longer be there. Bohlen hands over the scepter to his successors, who are not yet known.

DSDS (RTL): Dieter Bohlen leaves the jury, even with “Supertalent” it’s over

Season 18 of the hit casting format is currently running. The broadcast abruptly heads toward live shows. But now it’s clear: the last live shows with Dieter Bohlen will be in his usual place behind the jury’s desk. Fans can watch the 67-year-old in the final on April 3 for the last time on DSDS. The broadcaster did not initially announce who’s next. A new jury chief will be announced in time for next season, he said in the RTL message.

But that’s not enough of the hammer’s message: Bohlen has also been the head of the jury behind the judging panel each season since the show began in 2007 with “Supertalent.” But that too is over now. The RTL show will also have a new jury. By the way, it is not known if this will also spell the end of Bohlen’s former “super talent” co-jury, Bruce Darnell. Bohlen will no doubt be missing at the start of the new season in fall 2021.

Dieter Bohlen leaves DSDS – RTL expects “new impulses”

The announcer thanks the show’s legend, who has shaped the shows over the years. “We would like to express our appreciation to the current jury and especially to Dieter Bohlen, who has been the head judge for many years. With clear judgments and a keen sense of the musical mainstream in the best sense of the word, he has played a key role in the long-term success of both shows, ”stated RTL entertainment director Kai Sturm. “After nearly two decades of mutual success, now is the right time for change and further development.”

Henning Tewes, the station’s managing director and co-managing director of the streaming portal TVNOW, also agrees with the gratitude, but now expects a breath of fresh air on the casting show’s classic. “DSDS is an incredibly strong entertainment brand, running in nearly 60 countries around the world, with the largest of which is in Germany. In addition to the experience and meticulousness of our program creators, the reason for this is also their strong will to reinvent the program over and over again. With an entirely new jury, DSDS will provide new impetus to re-inspire and excite musical talents and millions of viewers. “

Dieter Bohlen is no longer with DSDS: the old faces of the show react in shock

Meanwhile, fans are dismayed by the completely shocking news. Many sad users report on Twitter. Also on the official DSDS Instagram account, which posted a photo of Bohlen’s departure, many fans and former DSDS faces are disappointed to speak. “No. It’s not possible,” wrote former candidate and jungle show participant Lydia Kelovitz, adding sad emoticons to her comment. Former jury Oana Nechiti was also surprised: “No, I’m speechless. right now. “” DSDS is not DSDS without Dieter “and” without him it’s not the same, “fans fear below the post. Some loyal viewers may find ads that you now need to consider twice, whether you order Supertalent or DSDS, or if you are still watching the programs on television. (han / jbr)

Rubric List List: © Henning Kaiser / dpa
