Blocking resolutions at a glance: Easter take a rest from the table; travel waiver and contact restrictions remain – policy


In view of the dramatically increasing number of corona infections, the federal and state governments are shipping all over Germany in the sharpest lockdown since the beginning of the pandemic A year ago.

This was decided by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the federal states in an eleven hour marathon On tuesday night.

An overview of key lock decisions:

  • The particularly sharp blockage of the “break” announced for Easter has been stopped. Of the Holy Thursday and Holy Saturday will not be defined as days of rest.
  • Private meetings during the “break” you should be confined to your own home and another home, but to a maximum of five people. Children up to 14 years old are not counted. Couples with separate apartments are considered one home.
  • Meetings in public spaces they are generally prohibited during the “rest” period, depending on the decision. Where the outdoor catering is already open, it has to be closed again during these five days. Churches and religious communities They are asked to only make offers online for the faithful at Easter. Only vaccination and testing centers should remain open.

    [Mehr zum Thema: Angela Merkels Osternacht – eine Rekonstruktion des Chaos-Gipfels im Kanzleramt (T+)]

  • Existing lockdown rules will run until April 18. This still applies the emergency brake decided at the beginning of March, which should enter into force with a seven-day incidence of more than 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. Districts must also take further action if the threshold is exceeded. Among other things, exit restrictions, stricter contact restrictions, and the obligation to perform daily rapid tests in areas where it is difficult to maintain distance or wear a mask consistently are mentioned as possibilities.
  • Refrain from traveling: “The federal and state governments continue to urge all citizens to Refrain from traveling that is not absolutely necessary in Germany and abroad.It says in the decision. But heads of government did not stop at appeals: The federal and state governments are waiting for airlines to conduct corona tests before their return flight. In addition, in the Infection Protection Act, a “Mandatory general test before departure for entry requirements. for flights to Germany ”.
  • Inland tourism will not be possible during the Easter holidays either. Hotels and other accommodation providers must remain closed to vacationers. This point caused many problems in the deliberations. Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony-Anhalt and Rhineland-Palatinate insisted that their citizens should be able to vacation in vacation flats, holiday homes, apartments, caravans and mobile homes, provided they have their own sanitary facilities. and organize their own meals can be. Nothing else can be found in the resolution.
  • Tough measures should be accompanied by more testing. The federal and state governments want Expand corona tests for schoolchildren, teachers, and daycare workers and strive for “two tests a week asap.” The distribution and organization varies from region to region, and practical implementation is still being discussed in many places, for example the question of whether testing should be done at home or at school. The federal and state governments have not made any specific agreement on the organization of the subsequent operation of schools and day care centers, for example, on possible closures or other restrictions. The federal states continue to regulate these issues on their own.
  • The federal and state governments are again asking companies to offer their employees enable work from home. Additionally, companies should expand their trial offerings. Employees who do not work from home should be able to get tested twice a week if possible.
  • Those most affected by the closures Businesses should get more help. According to the resolution, the federal government “will develop a complementary aid instrument within the framework of European legislation.”

The Bund-Länder Round told among the most difficult since the beginning of the pandemic. Meanwhile, Chancellor Merkel has reportedly been very dissatisfied with the way things have gone. The great round was interrupted for hours. and negotiated in small groups.

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Mayor of Government of Berlin Michael Müller (SPD) spoke of a “difficult delivery” after the deliberations. Also the prime minister of Bavaria Markus Söder He called the negotiations difficult, but also praised the clear course that had been found.

“We know that Corona is as heavy as lead in the country,” he said. Now it’s up to you to finish the third wave faster than the previous one. “Impatience must not become our weakness,” warned the president of the CSU. (with agencies)
