Blockade: half of the Germans by extension


Germany poll

Half of the Germans for extending the confinement

| Reading time: 2 minutes

Politics is discussing the partial opening of schools and nurseries

The number of infected people in Germany is decreasing, but the lockdown continues. Those responsible only dare hesitantly to discuss a possible relaxation. Schools and nurseries come first.

Every second German is against easing the crown lock, while a good third are in favor. Acceptance of the restrictions is particularly high among voters for one party.

JEvery second German is against easing the lockdown to contain the corona pandemic. According to a poll conducted by the opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of the German Press Agency, 37 percent are in favor of extending the above restrictions beyond February 14, and another 13 percent are even in favor of harden them. In contrast, 30 percent are in favor of relaxation and 13 percent for a complete return to normalcy. Seven percent did not provide information.

However, acceptance of the measures taken is decreasing: at the beginning of January, before the last extension of the blockade, almost two thirds (65 percent) were in favor of maintaining or tightening the measures.

The lockdown is limited to February 14. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will consult with the prime ministers of the federal states on Wednesday about an extension of the measures decided in mid-December, which include the closure of most shops, hotels and restaurants, as well as schools and kindergartens.

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Angela Merkel granted this Thursday an interview to the radio broadcasting group RTL

Acceptance of the current restrictions is higher among Green voters. 64 percent of them are in favor of maintaining or adjusting it. Behind them are supporters of the SPD (57 percent), CDU / CSU (56) and FDP (51). Only less than half of voters on the left (49 percent) and the AfD (33) favor an unchanged extension or tightening of the blockade.
