Black Forest: Scarlett missing: no sign of life for eight days: police have bad suspicions


A student from North Rhine-Westphalia has been missing since 10 September. The 26-year-old disappeared while walking alone through the Black Forest. There is no trace.

  • A student outside Bad lippspringe He is lost
  • the 26 years disappeared from one Hike In the south Schwarzwald
  • the policeman ask for Help: So far there is no trace.

Update September 18, 2020: Scarlett from Bad Lippspringe (North Rhine-Westphalia) disappeared on 10 September. After police, firefighters and mountain rescue services have combed the Black Forest area in recent days, there is still no trace. As the image reported that the problem is that the so-called “Schluchtensteig“Scarlett wanted to deny that some corners are neither accessible nor visible. The hiking trail has some pitfalls, according to a spokesperson for the mountain rescue service: steep slopes, unpaved roads you can slide on.

the Freiburg Police continues to ask the population for information. You are in the latest hiking photos too red trekking backpack (Brand “Osprey”) to which was attached a gray mat.

Police stop searching for missing Scarlett (26) and express dire suspicions

Update of September 17, 2020: What is the missing Scarlett from Bad Lippspringe happened? Police have now apparently voiced their own theory that the young woman may have had an accident on her tour. As the Berlin newspaper reported, so far there is no evidence of a crime. “We assume he fell off the road,” the newspaper quoted a police spokesman as saying.

According to this, the emergency services should cover the approximately 120 kilometers long paththat the young woman wanted to compete alone. Also a Helicopters, dogs and a drone were used here. the Practical the missing person was reported for the last time on Thursday, September 10. As the newspaper also reports, the search for the young woman has stopped. “There are places we cannot reach,” the police spokesman confirmed.

Missing Scarlett: Student (26) disappeared – Walked alone

Original notification of September 17, 2020: Freiburg – who has Scarlett viewed? as Thursday September 10 lack of 26 year old student outside Bad Lippspringe, NRW every trace. the Missing went after Freiburg traveled to me southern Black Forest for hiking alone. More recently I was doing it in a Hotel in St. Blasien viewed. There he left in the early hours of the morning. Police, fire brigade and mountain guard I’ve been searching in vain ever since.

Missing Scarlett: NRW student disappeared without a trace while walking through the Black Forest

She posed smiling Missing Last in the woods, he sent regular updates via Whatsapp. Now fear him family worst. With each passing day hope sinks Scarlett to find alive. “After so long you have to fear everything” – said his sister to the Image. Desperate, she even started out on her own, making calls on social media and on hiking forums to find her sister.

The missing student’s last sign of life: a surveillance camera recording near her hotel in St Blasien, Baden-Württemberg.

© Police

He too Emergency services searched in Monday again with approx. 35 search dogs and one buzz in the forest for hours: without success. The experienced Wandering Last time I wanted to go through that in the Black Forest. Wehratal heading towards the dam difficult terrain that shouldn’t be a problem for Scarlett. As Photo from a surveillance camera In a supermarket near the hotel of the missing person, however, there is no trace of him.

Scarlett Disappeared – Police Call For Help – Here’s What Missing Student Looks Like:

the policeman That is why he asks for help urgently That is particularly remarkable bright red trekking backpack The missing.

  • 26 years old
  • 160 cm tall
  • dark blonde on the tips blonde hair
  • He is wearing a red Osprey trekking backpack and probably a gray tent.

Scarlett’s backpack, the missing student: she left with her on Thursday, September 10.

© Police

TO Tracks about him dwelling of the MissingThe question Bad Säckingen criminal investigation department call 07761934500 or any other Police station contact.

Also a young man disappeared in Regensburg, Bavaria disappeared for a long time without a trace. In Berlin, the family of a 15-year-old missing student has almost given up hope. (vs) * is part of the national network of Ippen-Digital publishers.
