Biochemists expect drugs soon, vaccine takes longer


The biochemist of Austriawho is in the US state USA California lives he said in clinical trials one “relatively fast” Means, medium you can find “We know viruses, we know what enzymes they need. These are goals for Medication

However, it will take longer to develop one The vaccine. There are three questions to answer Bischofberger: Produces the The vaccine immunizing antibodies? How long does immunity last? And it is The vaccine Is it also safe when used in healthy people?

How many can be vaccinated then?

Vaccines against viruses they are complex, he emphasizes. Against HIV or Hepatitis C. There are none yet. “We will see how it is with Corona,” says the biochemist, who is confident.

And there is another factor: how many people would be willing to get vaccinated? Only eight percent of the population has the flu shot.

When asked if a vaccine is required, the scientist only says: If a large part of the population can be vaccinated, you can Virus eradicate faster.

So the question of how many had already fallen ill without realizing it had to be clarified with antibody tests. 80 to 90 percent of the population would have few or no symptoms. A large part of the population may already be immune.
