BILD asked the Austrian Chancellor: How safe is a vacation in Austria, Mr. Kurz? – politics


When you think of winter, images come to mind: skis, white slopes and Kaiserschmarrn. This year, however, it could be different. Because: the corona virus is also spreading more and more in Austria. The number of infections increases to new record levels every day.

Yesterday Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (53, CSU) and Chancellor Ösi, Sebastian Kurz (34, ÖVP) met at the Walserberg border crossing (near Salzburg).

After the meeting, BILD Kurz asked: How safe is a vacation in Austria?

► Shortly promised: “Winter tourism in Austria will be organized in such a way that it is carried out safely” BUT, according to the Chancellor: “Of course, Germany’s travel advisories are challenging.”

Kurz protested against possible measures to prevent border traffic: “We would consider border closures extremely problematic.”

Kurz continued: “Guests from Germany are welcome. We believe there is a need for business travelers. But we also believe that tourism can be done safely. “

How about a ski vacation?

Austria’s most important form of tourism: ski holidays. The problem: Last winter, the Austrian ski resort Ischgl attracted attention as a ‘Corona center’. From here, the virus was transmitted by many tourists to other European countries.

However, Kurz is cautiously giving hope for the upcoming season!

► It is now clear “where infections occur. That is in the private sector, at parties, at weddings, at family celebrations ”. In short: “Outside on the slopes or outdoors is less.”

But in September Kurz already told BILD: “There will be no après-ski like last year or the ancestor, not like we are used to.”
