Biden: there will be no television debate while Trump has coronavirus – politics


Americans will elect their president on November 3, 2020. Will it be Donald Trump again? Or will Joe Biden, who won the Democratic primary, win? All news and updates at a glance:

Biden: No TV debate as long as Trump has coronavirus

Wednesday, October 7, 02:10 am: As long as the president of the United States, Donald Trump, tests positive for the corona virus, his challenger Joe Biden will not want to have a second television duel. He’s eager to debate Trump, but “I think if he still has Covid, we shouldn’t have a debate,” Biden told reporters just before boarding a plane in Hagerstown, Maryland. In any case, “very strict guidelines” must be followed: “too many people have been infected.”

The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Bulletin

The next debate is scheduled for October 15 and the third for October 22. The presidential elections will be held on November 3. Trump sticks to the next match regardless of his infection. “I look forward to the debate in Miami on Thursday night, October 15,” he wrote Tuesday. On twitter. “It will be great!”

Trump had spent three days at Walter Reed Military Hospital due to his Covid 19 illness and was released from the clinic on Monday. His doctor said Monday that Trump was not out of the woods and that he would likely be contagious for a week.

Trump speechwriter Stephen Miller infected with coronavirus

Wednesday, October 7, 1:40 am: After the coronavirus infection of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, and several employees, Stephen Miller also became infected. The White House’s top adviser tested positive for the virus on Tuesday. Miller is Trump’s consultant and speechwriter and is considered the architect of the America First line.

In addition to Trump, First Lady Melania and more than a dozen employees were infected. “It’s obvious there was an outbreak at the White House,” Trump spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany, who recently tested positive for the virus, admitted to Fox News.

Stephen Miller’s wife, Katie Miller, who works as Vice President Mike Pence’s communications director, had previously contracted the infection. She was recently in Salt Lake City with Pence to prepare for her debate with Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris. However, Miller left as soon as she learned that her husband was infected.

Michelle Obama accuses Trump of “deliberate mismanagement”

Tuesday, October 6, 4:23 pm: Michelle Obama got into a video It was reported that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, was heard with scathing criticism. In it, he accuses Trump of “willful mismanagement” of the coronavirus crisis and racism in the country. The former first lady called on blacks and all young voters not to “waste” their votes in the presidential election. In the video posted by Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s campaign team, Michelle Obama notes that more Americans died in connection with Covid-19 than in the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Korea combined. As for the virus, “our commander-in-chief” unfortunately “missing in combat.”

Trump acts racially when he and other Republicans claim without truth that minorities are destroying the suburbs. By doing this, he intends to distract attention from his “astonishing failure.” Michelle Obama asked undecided voters to think of people like her and her ancestors, and to feel compassion for what it is like to “walk through your own country in fear that someone’s unwarranted fear of you will put you in danger.” might”.

US President Trump leaves the clinic in a helicopter

Tuesday, October 6, 12:41 am: US President Donald Trump left Walter Reed Military Hospital on his own Monday night (US time). He shouted his thanks to the reporters waiting in front of the clinic and gave a thumbs-up gesture to indicate that he was okay. The few meters from the hospital entrance to the waiting presidential helicopter Marine One Then Trump was driven in a limousine.

Via Twitter the president of the United States had already announced that he would leave Walter Reed Military Hospital on Monday night, after only three days in the hospital. Further treatment will take place at the White House. It was not clear at first how long the president should remain in quarantine.

Upon arriving at the White House, Trump again addressed the American people in a video posted on Twitter. “Don’t let it rule your life,” he says, referring to the virus. “Don’t be afraid of him.” Meanwhile, it has not gone well, said the president of the United States. “But two days ago I felt great again, better than I have in a long time.” He repeated the words from a previous Twitter post that he felt better than 20 years ago.

Trump had been treated at Walter Reed Military Hospital with an antibody drug and steroids that were still experimental. “We have the best medical equipment, we have the best drugs, all recently developed,” Trump said in the video. “The vaccines will arrive at any moment.” However, government health experts hope the vaccines will not be widely available until the middle of next year.

Trump, who until now did not wear a mask in public and thus was also accused of handling the pandemic carelessly, defended his behavior. He had to be outside and lead, says the president in the video. “I knew it was dangerous, but I had to do it.”

The US presidential elections will be in four weeks. Trump also announced on Twitter on Monday that he would soon resume his election campaign, which had been suspended due to illness. According to his spokesman, Trump wants to participate in the second television duel against his Democratic challenger Joe Biden in the next week.

White House spokesperson tested positive for Corona

Monday, October 5, 5:45 p.m. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tested positive for coronavirus. After Monday’s result, she had no symptoms, McEnany wrote on Twitter. As of Thursday, she was tested daily for the virus and so far the result has been consistently negative. You will now go into quarantine and continue working from there.

Last week, President Donald Trump tested positive for the corona virus. He is currently being treated at Walter Reed Military Hospital near Washington. He was determined to be discharged from the clinic on Monday, said White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Fox News.

United States Senate pause plenary sessions

Sunday October 4, 7:30 am: The United States Senate suspends its plenary sessions for two weeks after corona infections of at least three members. At the same time, the judicial committee should continue hearings of US Supreme Court candidate Amy Coney Barrett, Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Saturday. Democrats criticized this decision.

As of Friday, three senators, Republicans Mike Lee, Thom Tillis and Ron Johnson, had announced positive corona tests. Lee and Tillis are also members of the Judiciary Committee. President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans want Barrett to take office before the November 3 presidential election. Under Barrett, the Conservatives would win a dominant six-to-three vote on the Supreme Court, repeatedly setting the course for American society.

Democrats are demanding that only the winner of the presidential election decide who will fill the seat of the recently deceased Liberal Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg. They warn, among other things, that Barrett would likely vote for the abolition of President Barack Obama’s health care reform.

Democratic members of the judicial committee criticized Saturday that continuing the work would endanger the health of those involved. Republican committee chair Lindsey Graham said senators could also videoconference at meetings. Barrett’s multi-day hearing is scheduled to begin on October 12.

Infections from at least two of the senators draw additional attention to last Saturday’s White House event that featured Barrett as a candidate. Tillis and Lee were there. In the footage from the event, Lee can be seen talking to various guests without a mask and also shaking hands. Although the event was outdoors on the White House lawn, it was easy to see that many participants were not wearing masks and were not keeping their distance. The rector of the Catholic University of Notre Dame, who was present, also announced this Friday that his crown test was positive.

Vice President Pence’s test is negative

Friday, October 2, 2:08 pm: Corona tests conducted by US Vice President Mike Pence and his wife were negative, according to a spokesperson. Both are fine, the spokesperson added. The tests have been done daily for months.

A senior representative from the presidential office in Washington confirmed Friday that President Donald Trump was unable to work despite his positive test. You will continue with your work from your home.

Trump tested positive for coronavirus

Friday, October 2, 7:10 am: The President of the United States, Donald Trump, claims to have tested positive for the corona virus. He announced it on Twitter. He is already in quarantine with his wife Melania, who also has a positive result. “We will begin our quarantine and recovery immediately. We will get through it TOGETHER,” Trump wrote on Twitter early Friday morning. Trump is 74 years old and therefore at a higher risk of complications.

Trump’s doctor, Sean Conley, confirmed the test result. “The president and the first lady are doing well at the moment,” he wrote. “Please be assured that I expect the President to continue to serve without interruption.”

The president of the United States does not usually wear a mask in public. The White House justified this with the fact that Trump and his entourage were regularly screened for the corona virus. Trump’s spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany described wearing the masks in June as a “personal decision” and noted that she was being tested regularly. In her first television game against her Democratic challenger Joe Biden on Tuesday, she scoffed at the fact that she always wore mouth and nose protection.

Hours earlier, it emerged that one of Trump’s closest employees, Hope Hicks, had tested positive for the coronavirus. According to US media reports, he should show symptoms of Covid 19 disease. It is explosive that Hicks is still on the presidential plane with Trump on Tuesday Air Force One flew to Cleveland, Ohio for the televised debate. A total of between 20 and 30 Trump employees and family members were said to have been on board. According to observers, Hicks did not wear a mask the night of the debate.

On Wednesday, the 31-year-old flew to Minnesota to an election event, among other things, along with Trump’s son-in-law and close adviser, Jared Kushner. Hicks had worked intermittently as the White House communications director and returned that year as a government adviser. Trump described Hicks’ infection as “terrible”: “he worked so hard without a break.”

A White House spokesperson initially declined to confirm Hicks’ infection. All he said was that both when traveling and at the White House, current CDC guidelines and best practices would be followed to reduce the risk of infection.

Corona infections have already occurred around the president. In early May, it emerged that US Vice President Mike Pence’s press secretary, Katie Miller, had been infected. National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien tested positive in late July.
