Biden is excluded from briefings: Republican senator wants to smuggle secret information beyond Trump – politics


After being ousted from his post as President of the United States, Donald Trump tries to make life more difficult for his successor Joe Biden whenever he can.

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After filing lawsuits against the counting of votes that have already been cast, organizing mass rallies to incite his supporters against alleged violations of the law, and habitual interference on Twitter, he is now taking the following turn: According to a Washington Post report, Trump it has also. instructed senior government officials to deliberately block cooperation with President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team.

The main focus is access to the Presidential Briefing, a compendium of the latest government intelligence. Biden has no legal right to this. However, this approach of presidents-elect against their successors has been common since at least 1968.

So now Republican Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma has given Trump an ultimatum. Lankford plans to intervene on Biden’s behalf if the government does not allow the president-elect to have access to the president’s daily intelligence meetings by Friday.

“There is nothing wrong with being able to receive the reports,” Lankford told KRMG radio station. He added that he was a member of the Senate oversight committee and had already addressed the issue in that capacity.

When in doubt, Lankford apparently wants to smuggle secret service information to Trump and provide it to him himself. The Oklahoma Republican said he would intervene if necessary. His reasoning: “This has to happen so that regardless of the outcome of the elections, whatever the outcome, someone is ready for the real task.” This means the task of the President of the United States.

In the United States, there is currently growing concern that Trump’s refusal to recognize the election will jeopardize America’s national security. The background to this is that the new government may be insufficiently prepared to deal with current threats. The “New York Times” assumes that this is already the case. Mainly because Biden is excluded from “presidential briefings.”

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Until now, Biden will only have access to this if the Trump administration recognizes the election. The current president doesn’t want to do that until the General Services Administration (GSA) confirms the election. And Trump-appointed GSA chief Emily Murphy refuses to sign documents that give her team access to information from officials and agencies. And then Biden’s team is rejected even more.

The officers had already arranged handover briefings for Biden’s people and even set up their own offices. “They told us: ignore the media, wait for them to come officially from the government,” a senior administrative official told the Washington Post.

The formal exchange between outgoing and future government employees, which has otherwise been common for decades, does not take place. All formal briefings on projects, budgets, hot spots or just day-to-day affairs at the authorities have been canceled. By doing so, Trump is actively hampering the seizure of power.

The associated uncertainties are likely to have a negative impact on the US economy. In addition, it is difficult to cope with the coronavirus crisis, which is currently once again the focus of attention due to the possible distribution of a coronavirus vaccine.

Specifically, Biden’s team will be able to access das “Presidential briefing” retain these options:

  • Access to calls $ 10 million transition allowance. Biden should receive 6.3 million of these.
  • Participation in Chancery meetings with foreign heads of state and government.
  • Access to Intelligence information, such as the CIA.
  • More comprehensive Secret service protection: As a former vice president, Biden receives some protection. Additionally, in response to the election results, the Secret Service has now established an expanded no-fly zone over Biden’s home in Delaware. But currently it is denied the specific and highly complex protection of the “Presidential Protection Provision”, which was granted to presidents-elect prior to their inauguration.
Australian artist Scott Marsh caricatured Donald TrumpPhoto: Loren Elliott / REUTERS

According to the Washington Post, Biden is now considering taking legal action against Trump’s pro-demand US administration. Legal options will be examined against Trump’s tactics of delaying delivery, it is said. Apparently, the Democratic team has been preparing for weeks for the possibility that Trump in no way promotes a peaceful transfer of power.

But now, according to media reports, Biden’s people appear to be increasingly concerned that the handover is being actively prolonged and hindered. After all, according to US media reports, high-level political employees on Trump’s behalf have specifically instructed their public officials to block all inquiries from the Biden team on cooperation.

The Democratic team is now using its own contingency plan. This envisages asking senior officials who have already left the authorities to use their knowledge to speed up and thus facilitate the transition to a new administration: 78-year-old political warhorse Biden is therefore assisted by other Capitol veterans.
