Berlin: what happened before the escalation in the Bundestag


Germany Corona-Demos in Berlin

Busy Reichstag Stairs: What Really Happened Shortly Before

| Reading time: 2 minutes

“Talking about controversy is part of democracy, it does not shout or insult”

Political Berlin is debating the question of how to deal with demonstrations like the one at the weekend in the future. Does democracy have to endure scenes like the Reichstag, where people hold the symbol of democracy and want to abolish the system?

Hundreds of right-wing extremists occupied the steps of the Reichstag building over the weekend. How did that happen? Before the alleged “assault on the Reichstag”, a woman called for action in a speech. With an absurd reason.

FOmen of right-wing extremists on the steps of the Berlin Reichstag building: The incidents in front of the Bundestag on Saturday caused horror, the federal government spoke of “shameful images”.

A video shows what happened before hundreds of far-right protesters broke through the barricades in front of the Reichstag building and climbed the stairs: a woman on stage called for action.

The police had removed their helmets, he called, and there were no more policemen in front of the Reichstag building. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, is in Berlin. “We almost won,” he yelled twice. The protesters would have to set an example and gather on the steps of the Reichstag building to show Trump that “we want world peace and we have resigned.”

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The “citizens of the Reich” believe that after World War II, Germany had not yet signed a valid peace treaty with the victorious powers and that the country would still be occupied. That is why they stood in front of the embassies of Russia and the United States to “demand” this peace. They cast their hopes on Trump and Putin, who would “step in” if enough German citizens “lead by example.” Of course, the president of the United States did not travel to Berlin over the weekend.

Naturopath mobilizes in front of the Reichstag building

According to the Berlin “Tagesspiegel” and the “T-Online” news site, the woman is Tamara K., a naturopath. According to the “Tagesspiegel” report, K. is a well-known representative of the “Reichsbürger” scene, who comes from the Eifel, works as an esoteric alternative practitioner and has often appeared in public at demonstrations.

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Protesters in front of the Reichstag

Corona demonstration in front of the Reichstag

Investigations are underway against the woman who summoned the scene of the “Reichsbürger” rally directly in front of the Reichstag to move forward, as a Berlin police spokesman said on Monday. The police know the identity of the woman.
