Berlin sticks to easing: Corona tests for shopping – BZ Berlin


In the corona pandemic, Berlin is not dependent on the kind of emergency brake that the federal and state governments had decided on. Rather, the Senate is looking for its own path that also includes new guidelines for citizens and businesses.

Tests, tests, tests will be a new requirement in Berlin from Wednesday to visit the hairdresser, while shopping, in the museum. Berlin is also the only federal state that requires employers in the capital to offer each employee two trial options per week.

Despite the growing number of infections, Berlin is not hitting the emergency brake, it is not regaining all relaxation. Instead, prior easing will be even better assured.

The date plus quick test while shopping combination flopped in Potsdam over the weekend. “It was a dance of death,” said Nils Busch-Petersen of the trade association. Berlin goes differently: it is no longer necessary to book a time. However, a new requirement when buying clothes, etc. it is a negative test. In addition, the Luca application for digital contact tracking will be introduced. And of course there are still upper limits for the number of customers per square meter.

Department stores and malls will install test stations, but there are already 192 free trial options with free capabilities across the city; every Berliner is entitled to a free trial there per week. Of course, you can still go to the bakery or the supermarket without a test, but no longer for body-related services like haircuts, cosmetics, and tattoos.

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Masks, masks, masks they are also part of the expanded strategy. FFP2 masks must be used in all indoor areas (doctor’s offices, public transport, culture, etc.); if possible, also at home, if the visitors come from another home (max. 5 people).

Homeoffice, Homeoffice, Homeoffice. Half of all VDU workstations must remain empty. “We cannot always restrict ourselves to only the private sector and schools. The most dangerous areas are the interiors, where one remains unprotected the longest, ”said President Michael Müller (56, SPD) at an evening press conference. In January, the Senate only appealed to employers and sent inspectors, but the attendance of office workers only fell from 70 to 67 percent.

The extraordinary session of the Senate lasted a good five hours, in which the so-called emergency brake was prolonged due to the growing number of infections (three days of incidence out of 100, yesterday 138.6). “We didn’t want the yo-yo effect to reopen on open-close,” said Economic Affairs Senator Ramona Pop (Greens).

At the moment, no further relaxation will be implemented (for example, opening of open-air catering), model projects with theater and opera performances will be canceled and postponed.
