Berlin: Retirement home cleared due to Corona cases


Here we inform you every day about the latest news from Berlin, with news and stories from all districts of the capital.

10.47 a.m.: the water protection police put out the bonfires

In the fight against the pandemic crown, the fountain water police is also used in Berlin. On Monday, he put out a campfire on the shore of Grünau from a boat with a “10-minute curtain of water,” police tweeted Tuesday.

Before that, about 20 people had been sitting by the fire. After the announcements of the loudspeakers by the security forces, they fled without extinguishing the flames in the forest. Then the crew did it.

9.56 a.m.: Michael Müller affected by the death of Otto Mellie

Governing Mayor Michael Müller commented on the death of actor Otto Mellies. The 89-year-old man was a long member of the German theater ensemble. Mellies died Sunday..

Otto Mellies: The actor was 89 years old. (Source: imago images / Christian Thiel)Otto Mellies: The actor was 89 years old. (Source: imago images / Christian Thiel)

“With Otto Mellies, the Berlin theater scene is losing a legend. For more than half a century, he has inspired the public at the ‘Deutsches Theater’ with his art (…) A formative figure of the guild has left us. We bow with respect and we become him. Keep an honorable memory. “

8.49 am: High density of doctors in Berlin

Berlin is one of the federal states with the highest density of doctors. Nearly 284 resident doctors and psychotherapists care for an average of 100,000 residents, according to data from the Federal Medical Registry (as of the end of 2019), which was evaluated by the German Press Agency. Bremen performs better in a national comparison with an average of around 301 doctors. At the same time, both cities also have the oldest doctors: the average age is 55. The proportion of people over 65 years: 15 percent.

Berlin is also a top favorite among general practitioners. With around 72 doctors for every 100,000 inhabitants, the value in the capital is only slightly below Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (around 73 each).

8.01 a.m.: Berlin retirement home cleared due to Corona cases

On Tuesday night, the Berlin fire department’s emergency rescue service took 73 residents of a retirement home to various hospitals. Coronaviruses were detected in 28 of them, the fire department said on Twitter.

The facility in question is located in the Lichtenberg district of Fennpfuhl. As reported by the RBB, a total of 85 people live in the retirement home. Three residents are in critical condition, reports Andreas Chickowsky, head of the nursing service, which provides outpatient care for the nursing home, to the dpa news agency. Other cases must be assumed. However, according to Chickowsky, the number of victims is very vague.

It wasn’t the first mission at the retirement home: According to the RBB, the fire department took four severely symptomatic residents to the hospital on Sunday, and six other older adults on Monday.

7.49 a.m. – around 5,680 crown cases in Berlin

As of Monday, 5,677 people in Berlin have been infected with the corona virus. Compared to the previous day, there were 33 more cases, as announced by the Senate Health Administration on Monday night. 127 people who had Covid-19 died, two more than on Sunday.

According to the information, 542 patients are treated in clinics, 152 of them in intensive care. According to the information, 4,652 people are now considered to have recovered.

7.19 am: the Berlin Senate reports on the obligation to wear a mask in retail

Nationally, the mask requirement applies to local and retail transportation. In Berlin, however, it does not apply to stores. As reported According to a RBB survey, 60 percent of surveyed Berliners support such a duty in retail.

Today the Senate also deals with the issue. The CDU requires that the mask be worn in the retail sector, and the SPD is now in favor of it as well. Leftists and Greens, however, are skeptical of duty.

6.59 am: zoo and animal park open again

The Elephant Entrance to the Berlin Zoo: The zoo and zoo were reopened after a six-week break in the crown. (Source: imago images / Emmanuele Contini)The Elephant Entrance to the Berlin Zoo: The zoo and zoo were reopened after a six-week break in the crown. (Source: Emmanuele Contini / imago images)

That should please many Berliners: After a forced six-week break in Corona, the zoo and zoo reopened today. However, there are some limitations:

  • The aquarium, playgrounds, animal houses and restaurants remain closed.
  • panda cubs cannot be seen at the zoo
  • no commented comments and flight shows
  • A distance of two meters must be observed.
  • Visitors need an online ticket

For zoos and zoos, there must be fixed ticket contingents for 9 a.m. at 1 p.m. and from 1 p.m. at 5 p.m. Tickets must be booked online in advance.

6.54 a.m.: Hello Berlin!

Good morning and welcome back to the capital ticker. We want to accompany you during the day again and provide you with the most important news and information about Berlin. Feel free to stop by once in a while!
