Berlin police stepped up protection of the Bundestag after storming the Capitol


Germany After storming the Capitol

Berlin Police Increase Bundestag Protection

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Schäuble calls for greater protection from the Bundestag

Following the assault by radical Trump supporters on the United States Capitol, the President of the Bundestag, Schäuble, also sees dangers for German MPs. In his opinion, democratic institutions need more police protection.

Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) briefs MPs on the reaction to the Capitol storm in Washington: The Berlin State Police are increasing their forces in the area around the Reichstag building.

AIn reaction to the storm at the United States Capitol in Washington, the Berlin police increased their presence to protect the Bundestag. Parliamentary President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) explained to members of the Bundestag in a letter that “Bild am Sonntag” has received: “The Berlin state police have already reinforced their forces in the area around the Reichstag building.”

He himself had asked the Foreign Office for a report on the unrest in the United States and “would clarify with the federal government and the state of Berlin what conclusions can be drawn from this to safeguard the Bundestag.”

A police spokesman had already announced on Thursday that protection measures for important buildings in the capital would be “adjusted”. That refers to the Reichstag building and American objects.

“Attack of a mob whipped by an elected president”

Schäuble explicitly blamed outgoing US President Donald Trump for the incident. The CDU politician criticized this as an “attack by a mob that was flogged by a president-elect against parliament and democracy.”

Angry Trump supporters stormed the Capitol in Washington on Wednesday. Due to the riots, the session of Congress was suspended to confirm Joe Biden as the winner of the election; the parliamentarians had to be saved. Five people, including a police officer, died in connection with the riots.

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Biden’s Democrats and numerous international government officials have accused Trump of being jointly responsible for the excess violence after he incited his supporters with his baseless allegations of voter fraud during a performance in Washington and called for a march on Capitol Hill.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) told WELT AM SONNTAG in light of the events in Washington: “Bad thoughts turn into bad words and, at some point, bad actions. That is why we not only have to improve security measures for democratic institutions in Germany, but also fundamentally look at the sect movement of ‘lateral thinkers’ and other comparable groups. “

Protection of the constitution must play a central role in this. “Even if the AfD polls fall, there is a risk that a crown mafia or some kind of RAF crown will develop from its surroundings in Germany, which could become increasingly aggressive and even violent. In Berlin, supporters of the so-called lateral thinkers movement stormed the steps of the Reichstag building in a demonstration in late August.

Rioters on the Reichstag steps: harsh criticism from politics

Around 38,000 people demonstrated against the Crown policy in Berlin. Including right-wing extremists. They tried to storm the Reichstag at night. Politicians call the attack “shameful” and “disgusting”.

Source: WELT / Sandra Saatmann
