Berlin: police break up demonstration against Corona measures


Protests against crown policy, once again very close to those responsible for them. As MPs debated protection against infection on Wednesday, thousands protested in the vicinity of the German Bundestag. The police broke up the demonstration due to numerous violations.

Ann-Katrin Müller, DER SPIEGEL:

“Today’s mix was similar to that of the last demonstrations. There were esotericists, peace movements, or at least that is what they call themselves, there were anti-Semites who started with “No vaccinated! “-Judenstern running around. There were right-wing extremists who were clearly recognizable as such and others who were hiding a little better. There were AfD politicians, there was the classic conspiracy-ideology group. So there was actually everything today and everyone was there. Strange comparisons were made possible. There were posters with Gandhi. But there were also posters comparing Merkel to Hitler. “

Too many protesters did not adhere to the distance rules and mask requirements. Therefore, the police declared that the events ended at noon. Before that, the officials were thrown with bottles, stones and firecrackers, reacted with pepper spray and arrests.

Ann-Katrin Müller, DER SPIEGEL:

“On the way from the main train station to the demonstration, there was a small group where a man saw the policemen on the Bundestag bridge and shouted at them why they were protecting the witch Merkel and not the people. He had no symbols Nazis in him or her. Other things. But that was the frame of mind: even before you were in the big group, you were already so loaded. That pretty much sums it up. “

More than 2000 police officers were on duty in Berlin. With water cannons, they finally pushed the protesters towards the Brandenburg Gate.

Ann-Katrin Müller, DER SPIEGEL:

“So they didn’t use a strong jet of water, but a kind of drizzle to scare people away. They would take someone out from time to time. But even when someone in the crowd hit them, they would protect themselves, but people didn’t do it. immediate. arrested “.

Officers struggled to get away with it. Even hours after the organizers and the police declared the meeting closed, people refused to leave the square on March 18.

Ann-Katrin Müller, DER SPIEGEL:

“It must be said that this time the police had a much better concept than the last time, and it worked until now. They were only able to protect certain areas. No one has come to the Bundestag until now. But they still have a certain reluctance I let go and I did not hit people and I used this jet of water in a very specific way. “

The Federal Ministry of the Interior had banned twelve meetings directly in the Bundestag and Bundesrat, in so-called pacified districts. The area was largely cordoned off.

Ann-Katrin Müller, DER SPIEGEL:

“Actually, the Bundestag procedural rules were specially changed so that AfD MPs or MPs from other parties cannot bring demonstration participants to the Bundestag and these guest regulations are, so to speak, temporarily overruled In fact, the AfD parliamentarians have succeeded in getting people into the In order to bring the Bundestag, which in turn harassed members of other parliamentary groups. “

Despite the uninvited guests and loud protests in front of the door: in the afternoon the Bundestag and Bundesrat approved the reform of the Infection Protection Act. Federal President Steinmeier signed it that night. The reform aims to put the protection measures against the crown on a secure legal basis. But there will probably continue to be protests. Because obviously some are interested in more.

Ann-Katrin Müller, DER SPIEGEL:

“Well that’s a very small and noisy minority that was on the streets today, who obviously have the goal of changing and damaging democracy. And of course that’s dangerous if they can develop that group feeling and then also observe that They achieve certain things and they can be imposed against the rules, against the rules of property, against the use of masks, without feeling any direct consequence, except that they have to leave the place. “
