Berlin demo crown: almost 80 civil servants injured after attacks on police


Germany Sedan

“The brutality was immense” – Almost 80 policemen injured in the Corona demonstration

| Reading time: 2 minutes

“Targeted attempt to attack the chamber at the heart of our democracy”

Right-wing activists harassed and insulted politicians in the Bundestag. There is a suspicion that the AfD allowed the rioters to enter the building. The vice-president of the Bundestag, Claudia Roth, asks for consequences, also for the responsible deputies.

With violence and irritating gas, protesters attacked officials at the Corona rally in Berlin’s government district on Wednesday. The police chief complains: Berlin has not experienced anything like it in decades.

secondAccording to the police, the emergency services were massively attacked during the demonstration against the Corona policy on Wednesday in Berlin. There were 77 police officers injured and 365 arrests, police reported Thursday night in a preliminary report on the protests in Berlin-Mitte.

“The potential and brutality of the violence on Wednesday was immense. Some voices have told me that we have not seen anything like this in Berlin for decades, “Police Chief Barbara Slowik told” Tagesspiegel “.

Individual groups massively attacked the emergency services, as announced by the police. The protesters tried to remove the helmets from the policemen. Some emergency responders had their visors broken and irritant gas was sprayed on their faces. Bottles, stones and fireworks were sent to the emergency services.

Proceedings initiated for serious breach of public order

In addition, around 40 hooligans tried to break barriers to reach the Reichstag building. Here the emergency services would have used irritant gas. The policemen were also thrown with chairs and tables in front of the bars. The police launched 257 criminal investigations, some of them for serious breaches of public order and attempted release of prisoners.

“We have moved away from the very colorful audience and are increasingly dealing with a spectrum of people who generally reject our system and are willing to use extreme violence,” Slowik said.

Barbara slowik

Barbara Slowik, chief of police in Berlin

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

Since the protesters violated hygiene requirements in the face of the corona pandemic, the police ordered the dissolution of the meeting. Finally, water cannons were used several times because the participants did not want to leave.

“But we deliberately let it rain just to make people uncomfortable,” Slowik said. “The water cannon is a resource that we use with great sensitivity.”

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Above all, Angela Merkel wants to make an impression on the Bundestag

In the plenary session of the Bundestag on Wednesday, state measures to protect the population in the corona pandemic were discussed. Police had cordoned off the area in a large area.

According to police on Thursday, around 9,000 people gathered at the Brandenburg Gate to protest against the crown’s policy. On Wednesday, a spokeswoman spoke to some 7,000 people. According to the police, around 2,500 emergency services attended the protests.
