Berlin blockade regulation in force: these are the rules until January 10 – BZ Berlin


Two days before the start of the multi-week lockdown to contain the crown pandemic, the Berlin Senate decided and officially published the restrictions and bans. The Senate Chancellery announced this Monday night.

“The ordinance will go into effect on December 16, 2020 and will initially apply until January 10, 2021,” he said.

The Senate agreed on Sunday to largely adopt the previously made federal-state agreement and shut down public life even further as of Wednesday.

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This is valid until January 10.

► Most Shops as well as hairdressers and beauty salons have to close. Grocery stores, weekly markets, bookstores, pharmacies, opticians, acousticians, gas stations, car and bike shops, and banks may still open.

Berliners making their last purchases before closing (Photo: REUTERS)
Berliners making their last purchases before closing (Photo: REUTERS)

► The SCHOOLS closing from Wednesday. Students are expected to study at home from December 16-18 and January 4-8, guided by teachers who are still on duty.

► In FOLLOWING There should only be “emergency care” for parents who cannot care for their children at home.

► To PRIVATE MEETINGS The following still applies: a maximum of five people from two households plus children. At Christmas, five people from five households plus children are allowed to meet.

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► These are the new rules: Brandenburg decides the curfew from 10 pm to 5 am

► Berliners need patience: queue for last minute purchases at closing

► People must be yours FLAT Go out only for important reasons: shopping, visits to the authorities, visits to the doctor, taking care of relatives, walking the dog or playing sports.

SPORT It is only allowed alone or with another person at a distance.

► The sale of ALCOHOL To drink immediately from glasses or cups and to drink alcohol in public outdoors is prohibited.

► The sale of FIREWORKS is prohibited. From December 31 at 2:00 pm to 6:00 am on New Years Eve, the sale of alcohol is completely prohibited.

DEMONSTRATIONS they are not allowed either.
