Belgium: Politician accidentally reveals vaccine prices on Twitter


One click with consequences: a Belgian politician has apparently accidentally revealed the prices of corona vaccines from manufacturers with whom the EU Commission has concluded contracts for the delivery of vaccines.

The Secretary of State for Consumer Protection, Eva De Bleeker, posted a table on Twitter with the prices per dose of vaccines from six companies. The entry was removed shortly after, but the newspaper “Het Laatste Nieuws” published a screenshot.

Consequently, the drug from the American company Moderna is the most expensive – it would cost $ 18 per dose. The US corporation Johnson & Johnson would charge $ 8.50. The prices of the other suppliers were given in euros: the vaccine from the Mainz company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer therefore costs twelve euros per dose. The Tübingen Curevac company apparently asks for 10 euros, the French company from Sanofi for 7.56 euros. According to the document, the AstraZeneca remedy would be by far the cheapest at just 1.78 euros per dose.

The EU Commission has concluded supply contracts with these six suppliers on behalf of the EU member states. With reference to the confidentiality clauses in the contracts, the Brussels authority did not want to comment on the information distributed by De Bleeker.

In total, the EU supply contracts amount to about 1.3 billion cans. In addition, options were agreed for 660 million more cans. The Commission has already taken advantage of these options for the most promising vaccines, increasing the order for Pfizer-Biontech from 200 million to 300 million and Moderna from 80 to 160 million doses.

With funding from Pfizer-Biontech, the first corona vaccine should be approved this year. Moderna could soon follow suit. For the other manufacturers, approval is likely to take place a few months later at the earliest. Sanofi had recently admitted major problems with the development.

Icon: The mirror
