Before vaccination begins on December 27: the federal government is buying more doses of vaccination


Shortly before the planned start of the coronavirus vaccines, the federal government secured more doses of the biotech vaccine and the American manufacturer Moderna. This could mean that 68.2 million people could get vaccinated in 2021.

The federal government has secured more doses of vaccination against the corona virus for Germany. From an order across the EU, 55.8 million doses of the first vaccine from Mainz-based company Biontech and its US partner Pfizer now come from the originally planned 40 million doses, as announced by the Federal Ministry of Health to ordered in Berlin. “Bild am Sonntag” reported on it first. In addition, another 30 million doses of vaccine of this preparation have already been secured through national commitments.

In addition to this total of 85.8 million doses, 50.5 million doses of the vaccine from the American company Moderna are now insured through the EU contingent. The preparation received emergency approval in the United States on Friday night.

Vaccines for 68.2 million citizens

Health Minister Jens Spahn said on Twitter that everyone who wants to get vaccinated in 2021 should get a vaccine as soon as possible. “We already have enough doses for the two vaccines that are currently being approved.”

According to the ministry, a total of 136.3 million doses are now safe for the two preparations from Mainz-based company Biontech and American manufacturer Moderna, almost all of which could be delivered in 2021. With the two doses needed each, they could 68.2 million citizens are vaccinated, with 83 million inhabitants in Germany.

EMA assessment on Monday

This Monday, the EU Medicines Agency (EMA) wants to give its assessment of the first vaccine from Biontech and its US partner Pfizer. Then the approval of the EU Commission is awaited.

The federal and state governments will prepare for vaccinations to begin on December 27. Due to initially limited quantities of vaccines, they will be launched in more than 400 regional vaccination centers in the federal states. Mobile vaccination teams must go to nursing homes and clinics.

The guaranteed amounts are not expected all at once, but rather gradually over the next year. For the first quarter of 2021, the federal government initially expects between 11 and 13 million cans. For this reason, a sequence is established in which especially vulnerable groups can be vaccinated as a priority.

According to a regulation by the Federal Minister of Health Spahn, people over the age of 80, as well as residents and staff of nursing homes, must have a chance first. Healthcare workers with a very high risk of infection, for example in intensive care units and emergency rooms, also have the “highest” priority. There are two more specifications for “high” and “increased” priority groups.

Dobrindt: “vaccination model” instead of “vaccination privilege”

Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz defended the prioritization. “Of course it would be better if everyone could be vaccinated immediately. As that is not possible, an order must be established based on clear scientific criteria,” he told the Funke media group newspapers. It is correct to vaccinate first those who need protection in particular.

CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt demanded that the policy act as a role model regarding skepticism about vaccination in parts of the population. “It is not about a vaccination privilege, it is about a vaccination model,” he told dpa.

Deutschlandfunk reported on this issue on December 19, 2020 at 5:00 pm
