Before the federal-state meeting: Laschet defends the crown’s strategy


The Prime Minister of NRW Laschet has in the daily topics asked for a hard close before Christmas. At the same time, he defended the previous course of the federal and state governments in the crown pandemic.

The Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet, has the crown strategy of the federal and state governments in the daily topics defended despite the high number of new infections.

The strategy has been developed “piece by piece”, always in cooperation with science. “We are all sitting together, reacting to the situation.” The partial closure decided at the end of October was expected to offer the prospect of a more relaxed Christmas party. “Let’s see today: it didn’t work out that way.” The numbers are too high.

Close before Christmas

In Germany, now is the time to say: “We can’t wait any longer, we need a closure before Christmas,” Laschet said. Laschet describes the latest statement from the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences on Tuesday, recommending a “hard” lockdown, as a turning point. They even want to react a little faster than suggested by the researchers who suggested a shutdown after Christmas.

“We have to go down now so that the figures for the millions of encounters around Christmas are at a lower level than today,” warned the NRW prime minister. No one can know if the measures will end on January 10. “It is up to all of us how we will behave in the coming weeks and months,” Laschet said.

According to information from ARD capital studies federal-state consultations, in which a second closure could be decided, take place on Sunday morning.
