Before the federal-state conference: Scholz warns about the wave of travel at Easter


Status: 03/21/2021 5:38 am

Before the federal-state meeting on the crown situation, Vice Chancellor Scholz spoke out against the relaxation of travel restrictions and warned of a big wave of Easter travel. This could jeopardize “our summer vacations,” Scholz said.

Federal Finance Minister and SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz warned of a wave of travelers at Easter in light of the corona infection. “From my point of view, there shouldn’t be a big wave of travel at Easter. We just can’t afford that in the current infection situation,” said Scholz of “Bild am Sonntag”. If many people are going on a large-scale Easter vacation, “this puts our summer vacation in jeopardy.”

The vice-rector asked citizens to refrain from flying to Turkey or Mallorca. “You take a chance on a vacation like this, not just for yourself, but for everyone else as well.” Scholz also came out in favor of mandatory tests for all foreign tourists when entering Germany. Everyone must make sure on their return that they do not infect anyone. “For me, this includes at least a negative corona test before entering Germany. We should sort that out between us.”

Family visits should be possible

Scholz also rejects a general nationwide opening of open-air restaurants at Easter. “This may be possible in areas with a very low incidence, but unfortunately I think it is unlikely in the entire country.” However, family visits during the holidays should be possible. “We made it possible at Christmas, he should be back at Easter,” Scholz said. For this, it is convenient to take advantage of the possibility of carrying out rapid tests.

The finance minister promised a fairly normal life for the summer. “There is justified hope of overcoming the pandemic in the summer. Then a reasonably normal life with few restrictions will be possible,” Scholz said. Everything speaks for the fact that a large part of Germans will be vaccinated in the summer. “Then we did it. And then people will have a big party first.”

Countries will discuss how to proceed on Monday

On Monday, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states want to discuss how to proceed in the crown pandemic. Scholz warned prime ministers to apply the last agreed emergency brake if necessary. “It must prevent high-ranking politicians from losing their temper under pressure and making frenzied announcements that have nothing to do with the resolutions that have just been agreed,” Scholz said. The “emergency brake” agreed to by the federal and state governments stipulates that vacancies must be withdrawn if the seven-day incidence in a region or state increases to more than 100 in three consecutive days.
