Before the Crown summit: Günther plans new opening steps | – news


Status: 02/26/2021 3:15 pm

A perspective for retail, relaxation at home and contacts: Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) has declared in the state parliament what he is looking for at the federal-state meeting in Schleswig-Holstein.

Günther stressed that he will attend this meeting with a “clear attitude”. “We are trying to establish the most uniform rules possible in the north. We will not succeed everywhere,” he said in his speech. He announced that the basis for the federal-state conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime minister on Wednesday (March 3) would be both the step-by-step plan of the Jamaica coalition and the RKI newspaper. Starting Monday, they can open hairdressers, garden centers and zoos in outdoor areas in Schleswig-Holstein. That was already clear before today’s parliamentary session. A week later, according to Günther, there will be more vacancies.

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Samples for a PCR test are located at the Nordhorn Corona Test Center.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Sina Schuldt

According to the state registry office, the incidence is 50.5. 77 corona patients in the clinics are currently in the intensive care unit. plus

Click & Meet for Retailers starting March 8

In his speech, Günther announced an opening outlook for the retail sector, with a 7-day incidence of less than 50. Currently, the value of the country as a whole is slightly higher. However, as of Thursday night, 8 of the 15 independent districts and cities were below. “Looking ahead to March 8, we will open the retail sector in Schleswig-Holstein to the level of incidence we are at, at least for the Click & Meet area, that is, to make appointments,” said Günther.

With the so-called Click & Meet, an appointment is made for a purchase in a store that would otherwise be closed. Then members of a household are allowed into a store to get advice and shop.

Planned: classroom or alternate lessons in fifth and sixth grade

The state government will also monitor schools starting March 8. “So we want to attend classes or alternative classes in the fifth and sixth grade,” said the Prime Minister. According to Günther, there should always be changing lessons in grades 7-13 when incidents allow. And he announced that on March 8 the community facilities of homes will be relaxed – “where people are vaccinated,” said the head of government.

Can gastronomy open its outdoor spaces soon?

Günther described other initial steps, without fixed data or incidence values. For example, he promised the catering industry that outdoor areas would be opened. With the corresponding incidence values, a maximum of five people from two households could meet outdoors in the future, Günther said. This is currently only allowed for a household with one additional person.

He promised that big events like the Wacken Open Air and others could take place in the summer under certain hygienic conditions. The opening of youth and leisure clubs as well as children’s sports in groups of up to ten girls and boys should also be possible again if incidence permits, Günther said.

The head of government was also confident in the opening of accommodation establishments before Easter, cultural events and religious services on a larger scale, if the incidents allow it again. It strives to achieve uniform rules in northern Germany, but they cannot always be achieved, Günther said.

VIDEO: Stegner: The north should have a traffic light of incidence (20 min)

SPD keeps calling for a “corona incidence semaphore”

Opposition leader Ralf Stegner said the SPD supported the government with sensible measures, but also compared it to its announcements. The rules of contact are ignored because they are alien to life. Stegner also doubts that prioritizing vaccines makes long-term sense. He criticized the state government’s communication about the pandemic. It contradicts and endangers the acceptance of the measures in the population.

Stegner again suggested an incident traffic light. It is assumed that the “traffic light” shows from how many new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days it is necessary to react to certain incidence values ​​with what measures. The best that can be done is to introduce a “traffic light” in northern Germany. “We need the largest possible agreement with our northern German neighbors,” he stressed. But he is not under the impression that Günther regularly talks to neighboring countries.

The state government is weighing the best of its knowledge and belief, responded Marret Bohn (Greens). He advocated sticking together as the Landtag of Schleswig-Holstein. A good idea from the opposition should also be discussed and possibly adopted.

Lars Harms (SSW) called on Prime Minister Günther to defend a clear outlook plan at the Corona summit: “We still don’t have that at the federal level. If that doesn’t work again, we have to do something on our own in Schleswig-Holstein “.

Openings are possible and necessary, said AfD politician Jörg Nobis. He criticized Günther for having given up state interests in previous federal-state talks. You are putting people’s trust at risk.

Incidence values ​​have fallen dramatically since December

Against the background of significantly lower incidence values ​​in most of the country compared to December, the desire to relax the crown’s protective measures had already become apparent in the run-up to the state parliament session, possibly also in the event that the federal and state governments do not agree to a uniform regulation.

The SPD had requested that Günther explain his position in the state parliament before the federal-state talks. “I think it is right that we as parliament meet before and after,” agreed on Friday the leader of the FDP parliamentary group, Christopher Vogt. As for the crown summit, Vogt demanded, among other things, improvements to financial aid. Fixed-cost reimbursement is good, “but people lose money every month when they have a small business.”

More information

A virus hovers in front of a crowd (photo montage) © panthermedia, fotolia Photo: Christian Müller

Here you will find videos, information and general information about the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus in Schleswig-Holstein. plus

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NDR 1 Welle Nord | Schleswig-Holstein News | 02/26/2021 | 5:00 p.m.

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