Because sovereigns procrastinate: Angela Merkel tries the Corona alliance directly with the citizenry – politics


Angela Merkel remembers Udo Lindenberg, more precisely her song “Mein Ding”, in which she says: “I do my thing, no matter what others say. I go my way, be it straight or strange, it doesn’t matter. I do my thing. ”

During the nearly eight-hour deliberations at the Chancellery there was not a significant opponent among the prime ministers, but the sum of individual concerns and those seeking loopholes led to their relentless conclusion around 9 p.m., when the overall package was largely Part: “The announcements from us are not strong enough to turn us away from calamity. What we are doing here is not enough.” And the next day, Merkel agrees.

Of course, he knew it would come out immediately, like the warning in the CDU presidium to “open discussion orgies” in the first wave or his bill of 19,200 new infections daily until Christmas. The Chancellor has nothing more to lose in the final phase of the Chancellery and no longer tries to hide anger and frustration, hoping that some will wake up.

On Thursday, the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences will help him make the decision not enough: “In the coming days and weeks, the pandemic can only be contained if the federal states agree and enforce the mandatory protection measures and uniforms, “says the president. Gerald Haug.

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“They have to be mandatory starting at 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days and should not only be formulated as a recommendation,” Haug said. This is exactly what Merkel wanted across the country, ideally a mandatory curfew starting at 10 pm for 35 new infections per 100,000 residents. And not only, as has now been decided, starting at 11 at night when the limit of 50 is exceeded.

Merkel and Braun are now trying to form an alliance with the citizens, over the heads of the reluctant princes. The message is: Everyone has to join now, instead of staying home than traveling, follow the rules.

It’s a verbal slap that Braun doles out the day after the summit in the morning magazine ARD: “So now it’s up to the population. That we don’t just look: What am I allowed to do now? Basically, we all have to do more and be more careful than what the prime ministers decided yesterday. As if he and Merkel weren’t there, ultimately, the decision is a decision made by the federal government and the federal states.

If the numbers cannot be controlled, or if a second lockdown is approaching, Merkel can refer to the “parliamentarians.” At the same time, you can tell that he no longer has things under control as in the spring. Merkel had personally asked prime ministers to return to the Chancellery for the first time since June because of the dire situation and because it is easier to negotiate face to face.

As a guest, he had Michael Meyer-Hermann, head of systems immunology at the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in Braunschweig, give an eerie lecture, he calculated in detail how steep the curves will develop if countermeasures are not taken in the right way. more active and than economic. The damage without action is much higher in the end.

It wasn’t five to twelve, but twelve, he said. And he recommended cutting the number of contacts in half and even being prohibited from leaving risk areas. “But nobody wants to have a party like this for the AfD,” says a state chancellery.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder is most clearly on Merkel’s cautious side of the Union’s state leaders, Bavaria is now introducing alcohol sales bans and curfew for affected regions starting at 11pm on forward from the limit value of 35, plus a mask requirement for busy public cockroaches in businesses, offices and in the plaza at cultural events.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder remains on Merkel’s cautious side.Photo: Matthias Balk / dpa

A decision that Merkel should prove less the next day: Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU), who already considers the 50 limit to be too sharp a sword, had accommodation bans for area travelers lifted risky.

In the east, the incidence of infections is low and there is little understanding of the drastic measures affecting the local hotel industry in this case. The debate on the accommodation ban showed at the Foreign Ministry how little coordinated politics ran into this second wave.

And how to get caught here. North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) emphasized that some measures that have been decided have effect, others that have no effect should be abandoned. The accommodation ban for travelers from high-risk areas in the interior of Germany “is neither objective-oriented nor proportionate”.

His vice-candidate seconded him when he was running for the presidency of the CDU, the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, who otherwise also follows a strict line, the “free test”, that is, a negative corona test that allows overnight stays in other places, it exacerbates bottlenecks in testing capabilities.

NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (center) and Health Minister Jens Spahn (second from left) are investigating the crown’s measures …Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka / dpa

More recently, 1.17 million tests were performed nationwide in one week, of which 2.48 percent were positive. But due to the increasing number of cases, all testing and laboratory capabilities are required. Laschet was followed by the Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate Malu Dreyer, the Mayor of Hamburg Peter Tschentscher, and the two SPD politicians also questioned the regulation.

Only the Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, Reiner Haseloff (CDU), Dietmar Woidke (SPD) of Brandenburg and the Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig (SPD), where tourists like Berlin have a quarantine obligation of at least minus 5 days with just one, they stayed really tough. The negative test can be canceled.

After the round, he was late with Sandra Maischberger in the ARD and gave his friend from the party, the ruling mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller (SPD), a strong voice: “It is mainly the responsibility of those who have a risk area. “, He said. . The quarantine rules have been in place since May, and so far hardly anyone has been interested because there were hardly any areas of risk.

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He did not have the courage to tell people in due time that they can no longer travel if they are praying for risk. If you decide that a risk area means a curfew and even more stringent contact restrictions, “then I can’t pretend that I can travel elsewhere and then no rules apply,” Schwesig emphasized to Müller.

Now it will also be measured by the promise he made at the Chancellery that compliance with the rules will now be more strictly monitored by the public order offices and the Berlin police, because here the rabbit of the capital is also in the pepper.

Müller was also against accommodation bans in the round, surprisingly the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, threw himself into the field of skeptics, on Thursday the regulation was canceled by his administrative court anyway. Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) referred to almost no infection in hotels.

Surprisingly he greeted the camp of skeptics: Winfried Kretschmann, Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg.Photo: Sebastian Gollnow / dpa

Merkel, on the other hand, was and is the important signal to keep travel to an absolute minimum, despite the fact that she herself asked for holidays in Germany or Italy in September. But at the moment there is no administrative underpass for your appeal, so clarity or rigor has not been created on an important point. In the end, Merkel asked Söder what he meant, whose answer according to information from the country: “Of course, things are not going well in public. I am undecided.”

At least Merkel was able to enforce an emergency mechanism that she wanted in the group. If the numbers in a hotspot do not drop within ten days, contact restrictions will be applied, “allowing only 5 people or members of two households to remain in the public space.” She receives RKI numbers every day, where health authorities are overwhelmed. Students, federal officials and up to 15,000 soldiers will now help track the contacts of the more than 6,000 new people infected every day.

More about the subject:

In March, images emerged of military trucks in Bergamo carrying away the dead. One prime minister recounted how shocked everyone was in his discussions with the chancellor, which led to a great unity and some hasty measures such as the closing of kindergartens and schools.

But during the summer, the average age of those infected fell and fell, and with it the number of serious cases, at the same time, companies, the hotel and restaurant industry and the cultural sector put enormous pressure to allow more people to leave again. enter so that the economic crisis does not get too bad. Spectators were also allowed to return to some football stadiums. Merkel had been skeptical about all this for months.

Like the head of the Chancellery, Braun, warned before a meeting with a “historical dimension”, the wording even made its way into the federal / state decision document: “This task also has a historical dimension: the states that manage to control the infection will better overcome the crisis economically and socially ”.

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Merkel doesn’t want to play the federal government’s possible letter of direction until now, which would likely cause more damage and trouble than she uses. But there are a number of bad indicators: the doubling time for active cases is only two weeks. The number of serious cases is on the rise, and as experts predicted, more and more senior citizens are getting infected again.

And Merkel’s warning of up to 19,200 new infections by Christmas, sometimes criticized as alarmist, could prove too positive. She justified this by doubling the daily number of cases every four weeks, but the growth is exponential today: instead of 4,800 new infections at the end of October, 9,600 at the end of November, and then 19,200 at the end of December, there are now almost 7,000. .

Which could represent nearly 30,000 new infections a day by Christmas. That would inevitably lead to many sad, all-time individual destinations during the Christmas season, and it could also mean considerable restrictions, especially for visits to the Santo Festival, there would be no bigger Christmas markets, and Christmas shopping would move further online. And then Merkel could be right with her forecast that the next round of crisis will be lived in two weeks because the previous one is not enough.
