Because of Steffi Graf: “Who wants to be a millionaire?” – The candidate plays and falls deeply


Updated April 28, 2020, 8:07 a.m.

Just one week, Oliver Alber witnessed the accident of two young people about 500 euros. This did not prevent the friendly manager of the physiotherapy centers from making the same mistake on Monday night. The Böblinger played wildly and fell from € 64,000 to € 500. Others did better.

A critic

of Bodo Klarsfeld

The broadcast of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” on Monday night also saw the crown crisis again without an audience. The last three WWM millionaires were sitting in the stands again: Ronald Tenholte, Jan Stroh and Leon Windscheid. Once again they assumed the role of additional pranksters, while those accompanying them re-assumed the roles of public pranksters.

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As remnants of the previous show, Oliver Alber from Böblingen sat opposite moderator Günther Jauch. It stood at 64,000 euros and had to do with this question of 125,000 euros:

What celebrity gave birth to their first child just four days after their wedding?

A: Lady Di

B: Heidi Klum

C: Steffi Graf

D: Angelina Jolie

“I would shoot Lady Di very hard,” Alber said. He chose the prankster phone, which he did not know, but he touched the answer D. Alber then thought about it for a long time, then suddenly, without any protection, login. “The correct answer is Steffi Graf,” said Jauch briefly. The Böblingen man almost fell out of his chair and actually fell back to 500 euros. Alber should have known better as a witness to the latest show, in which two young women had brutally crashed.

“Who wants to be a millionaire?”: Father and son go together

His successor at the center of the action was aspiring teacher Alexander Lemke. The Franke did not take long on the first questions and quickly came to the question for 32,000 euros:

Has Georg Bätzing from Limburg been the top representative in Germany since early March?

To: Federal Constitutional Court


C: Catholic Church


Lemke was naked and gambled on the father, his “one man” joker. “I think 80 percent is the new Catholic president in Limburg,” said the senior. The young man shot the wild card 50:50 and thus got the correct answer C through detours.

Lemke was also lucky with the 64,000 euro question, in which Rishikesh, the world capital of yoga, was asked. The reason: Millionaire Ronald Tenolt, who helped here, traveled through India for three months in 2012, so he knew the city. Then the cute Lemke performed the rap song he had once requested for the show, which for the first time launched the foreign shame factor that night. But then it all ended with something funny and the 125,000 question was in the room:

What can you find in the CV of the twin brothers Bob and Mike Bryan?

A: Apollo flight

B: DNS decryption

C: 16 Grand Slam titles

D: marriage to Paris Hilton

Since the joker on the phone couldn’t help either, Lemke gave up. “Mr. Jauch, 64,000 euros is more than enough, so there is a new car,” he said alone. The presenter could not hide his joy because the three millionaires did not know that Bob and Mike Bryan won 16 Grand Slam titles in the men’s doubles.

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Then economics and chemistry student Moritz Witt came onto the train. When 4,000 euros are requested, which is a translation for the regional term “Vergelt’s Gott!” required (“Thanks!”), the silly tarantula needed the 50:50 wildcard. So this question for 8,000 euros:

In recent years, Doria Ragland has been heard primarily in connection with …?

A: Trump’s adversaries

B: new fashion trends

C: athletic records

D: Harry and Meghan

“I’m blank again,” said Witt. “I’d say ‘Harry and Meghan’ for the sentiment,” said one compelling prankster. Witt added a millionaire, but Jan Stroh also had only one trend in his luggage: “It could be Meghan’s mother or adviser,” said the new wealthy man. The candidate logged in on answer D, and he was absolutely right. Doria Ragland is Meghan’s mother. Then the final question for the student:

Lius Torvalds, born in Helsinki in 1969, is the developer and namesake of a well-known …?

A: plastic

B: camera

C: operating system

D: fitness workouts

“Of course, Linus immediately thinks of Linux,” said Witt. His girlfriend, the public prankster in the crown, couldn’t help him, but he had at least one tip at hand: “It better be safe if you really have no idea!” Witt actually left him and was happy with around € 16,000, which he will invest in a new habitat for his amphibians. The Linux operating system returns to Torvalds.

From the additional wildcard to the main candidate

Oskar Dallos’s face looked familiar to some viewers. No wonder, because the young police officer helped a candidate a few weeks ago at € 32,000. The performance of the young man from Solingen was also impressive alongside Günther Jauch. Just this 16,000 euro question overwhelmed him:

Who is most likely to handle the BE tables?

A: diabetic

B: optical

C: mathematician

D: electrician

Dallos bet on the wild card on the phone. “Diabetics care about BE tables, BE stands for bread units,” said the father-in-law in a few words. Her daughter’s friend was now at 32,000 euros and before this last question of the night:

What consists of envelope, header and body?

A: email

B: fragrance note

C: hamburger

D: siren sound

The police took out the “millionaire joker”. Leon Windscheid got up a little hesitantly and thought that email was the correct answer. In view of the high level of money, this also seemed a bit banal to him. Dallos then interviewed his girlfriend, who acted as a surrogate public prankster, leading to the fact that the candidate, girlfriend, and millionaire were now happily arguing, probably a novelty in WWM history.

Finally Dallos threw in the towel. “I would not forgive myself for falling to 500 euros,” he said. “Maybe we have become too banal here on the show, but it’s actually email,” said Günther Jauch at the end of the night. By the way, Dallos will pay for the new car that he already ordered with the 32,000 euros.

Actually, the “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” Jokers? destined as a helper in need. However, on Monday, the advice of one of the three millionaires, who act as additional pranksters in Corona’s time, proved fatal. The candidate gave up because the question seemed too easy!
