Because of Corona: CDU postpones planned party conference


Now it is official: the CDU party congress with the election of a new president will be postponed again due to the high number of corona infections. The candidate Merz is against and attacks the party executive.

The CDU party conference scheduled for early December, at which a new party president should be elected, will be postponed due to the high number of corona infections. This was announced by Secretary General Paul Ziemiak after a meeting of the CDU presidium.

At the next federal board meeting, the current infection process will be discussed and then the situation will be reassessed. It will be the question of whether and when a party congress is possible in attendance. Such a presence party conference is the preferred variant of presidium members and party presidents, Ziemiak said.

If this is not possible, a digital conference should be held with the group. If there is still no legal basis for this, the vote must be done by mail. Therefore, a final decision should be made no later than January.

Fight for postponement, Merz suspects conspiracy

CDU vice president Armin Laschet had urged the CDU leadership to postpone the party congress in the run-up to a five-hour discussion on the crisis. The leader of the union parliamentary group Ralph Brinkhaus, as well as the Federal Minister of Finance, Peter Altmaier, and the member of the CDU presidium, Mike Mohring, also spoke in favor of postponing the congress.

Instead, the president of the CDU, Friedrich Merz, again clearly rejected the postponement of the party congress. Merz wants to clarify the management question this year, for example, in digital format or by postal vote. If a digital party conference on December 4 is not possible, “then Corona can no longer be justified. So obviously there are reasons that have little or nothing to do with Corona,” Merz said in the ARD morning magazine.

The second postponement

He has been commenting for a few weeks that “there are parts of the party establishment, there are parts, not all, but considerable parts that want to prevent me from becoming party president,” Merz said.

Kramp-Karrenbauer announced its withdrawal in February. The election of his successor was actually planned for April, due to the corona pandemic, the date in the spring had already been postponed to December 4. North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet, foreign politician Norbert Röttgen and former Union parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz are running for Kramp-Karrenbauer’s successor.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on October 26, 2020 at 12:00 pm
