Bayern crown: Söder despite easing numbers: current rules at a glance


  • Lucas Sauter-Orengo

    ofLucas Sauter-Orengo


Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) announced far-reaching innovations in the crown measures in Bavaria at a press conference today (September 8).

  • The Bavarian state government has numerous innovations in the Coronavirus-Announced measures for the Free State *.
  • This also includes loosening, which is meant to facilitate catering in particular.
  • However, regulations will be stricter for events with large participants.
  • You can always find the latest news and information about Bavaria and only with us *.

Munich – Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), together with Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU), Education Minister Michael Piazolo (CSU) and Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) important innovations in anti-corruption measures Coronavirus * announced. This includes the Opening of pubs and bars, new regulations for Amateur how Mask requirement for events with many people.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: relaxation for gastronomy – bars and pubs open

After a month-long crown break, starting the following weekend (September 19) Bars and pubs in Bavaria reopen – subject to conditions. by The same rules apply to pubs as to eating establishments.Furthermore, the operation must be performed at the table in closed rooms. But there is also a disappointment: “Unfortunately, discos and clubs are closedSöder said. “These could be infection bombs.”

This is important news for the catering industry. The crown-related closure had brought many restaurants to the brink of ruin. However, according to Söder, health authorities can Ban serving alcohol after 11pmwhen the number of infections in a region is particularly high.

Crown in Bavaria: Söder announces relaxation – football with spectators from now on

Also in Amateur football there is relief. As of September 19, league games and other popular sports competitions are allowed again. carried out. Also, like cultural events, clubs can allow a limited number of fans. However, this remains an exception for the time being. Professional leagues, the DFB Cup and the Champions League. Regulations for demonstrations, for example, are stricter. For larger outdoor gatherings, starting Wednesday (September 9) a mask requirement on a regular basissays Söder. Duty applies “at least one Number of participants 200 people“.

Söder announces mask requirement: regulation applies to certain events

At the same time it changes State government its test strategy. Corona test stations on the highways near the border and at the main train stations in Munich and Nuremberg will be closed at the end of the main travel season on September 30. the test the capabilities that are available Depending on the cabinet decision, they should be available “on demand”, for example for test centers in rural and urban districts. Only that Test stations at Munich, Nuremberg and Memmingen airports stay. More recently, there was a major test breakdown in Bavaria that made headlines across the country.

* is part of the national network of Ippen-Digital publishers.
