Bayern crown: Munich with a blatant increase in numbers – Söder surprisingly comments on test strategy


Crown numbers in Munich continue to rise. Mayor Dieter Reiter is now warning of “drastic restrictions”. Another Bavarian city is already further away.

  • The number of people newly infected with the corona virus in Munich continues to rise.
  • He’s approaching the 50 limit.
  • Meanwhile, Würzburg has already exceeded the incidence value of 7 days.
  • Here you can find the Corona news from Germany. We also offer you the current number of cases in Bavaria on a map. *

Update from September 11, 1:26 pm: The bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder announced last Tuesday (September 8) new crown rules for the Free State, which, among other things, affect amateur sport.

the Free Voter (FW) now they are asking for a national standard as quickly as possible Rules for crown spectators for sports competitions and an end to the look Maximum number of visitors for cultural events in Bayern. The leader of the FW state parliamentary group, Florian Streibl, suggested a limitation according to the size of the stadiums or venues, approximately a maximum of one spectator per ten square meters. “That would be a plausible figure that you can understand,” Streibl said after a three-day parliamentary group retreat in Munich.

“Any other indication of The crowd of spectators is very arbitrary“So the leader of the parliamentary group. You can no longer explain that to the people.” The size of the venue has to be decisive for Number of spectatorsthat’s allowed. “

Munich reports blatant increase in numbers: Söder surprisingly comments on Corona strategy

Update September 11 at 10:24 am: Hold on despite criticism Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) considers the controversial Bavarian crown test strategy to be a great success. “That worked perfectly,” he told the news portal. The pioneer about Massive test for travelers returning to airports, highways and train stations. 6000 positive cases have been identified.

“They would be without being detected without measurements and would have led to widespread use, “said the Prime Minister further away. There were delays in reporting test results from time to time. “But in general I have the impression that Bavarian population because I was so grateful that these possibilities existed, “Söder said aloud The pioneer.

The new school year in Bavaria has just started, but the number of teachers and students who have been infected with the corona virus is already alarmingly high. Nurseries are also affected.

Corona virus in Bavaria: manifestation of lateral thinking against the corona policy announced in Munich

Update September 11 at 10:01 am.: Tomorrow Saturday (September 12), the lateral thinking 089 Vereinigung wants to demonstrate in Munich. If the crown measures are violated, the government has announced harsh repressions.

Munich reports flagrant increase in numbers: first major Bavarian city breaks dangerous limit values

Update September 10 at 7:16 pm.: With Würzburg A third Bavarian city now has the federal government Corona incidence value than 50 infected persons per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days (incidence of 7 days). The value in the city of Lower Franconia is 57.87, they shared State Office of Health and Food Safety (LGL) on Thursday. Würzburg is located behind Memmingen and Rosenheim to. According to the LGL, a total of 612 people with Virus infected.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Würzburg decides the first measures

A spokeswoman for the office said the increase in numbers is mainly due to Return travel and repatriate their relatives. It will also be checked to what extent Celebrate to spread the Virus they have contributed.

In Würzburg action has already been taken. From Friday to Sunday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. The next day, no traffic is allowed on the Alte Mainbrücke. alcohol being drunk. Return travel from a Area of ​​risk it has to be tested twice. The domestic quarantine It is only canceled if a second test has been performed within five to seven days and the result is negative.

Pandemic in Bavaria: Corona’s leader is Rosenheim, followed by Memmingen

Plus New infections recorded Upper Bavaria Rosenheim. The incidence at 7 days is 72.64. The city of Swabia is at some distance Memmingen. Here 63.87 cases are reported.

For classification: With around 130,000 inhabitants, Würzburg is already an important city. Rosenheim (60,000 inhabitants) and Memmingen (40,000) are significantly smaller.

Corona in Bavaria: the number of infected in Munich rose again

(First report) Munich – The number of en Munich those newly infected with the coronavirus * rose again. While there were 87 new infections on Tuesday, 119 were reported by Wednesday (September 9). The incidence of 7 days * is also worrisome, now it is 45. Should it be limit 50, according to Mayor Dieter Reiter, there is a risk of “drastic restrictions on our public life.” *

The city had already reacted in advance to the growing number. For the next weekend, alcohol will be banned at night in several places in the city. These include the Baldeplatz, Gärtnerplatz just like him Isarau Between Reichenbach and Wittelsbacherbrücke, at Gerner Brücke and Wedekindplatz.

Politicians in Germany warn of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. * But what does this second corona wave represent? And how do virologists think it will go? An overview. *

Corona numbers spike in Munich: lateral thinking demonstration at Theresienwiese at the weekend

Although the values ​​are increasing, the association has “Think outside the box 089” for saturday one Demonstration announced against Corona measures *. Originally, 5000 participants should come. What has that District Administration Department (KVR) is now banned. Instead, only 1000 people can participate.

Corona demo in Munich: lateral thinking event moved to Theresienwiese

The demonstration also took place on Odeonsplatz on Theresienwiese relocated. “Among all the participants, passersby and representatives of the press, there must be a Minimal distance 1.5 meters and any physical contact is avoided, ”said the KVR message. All participants, with the exception of the respective speakers, must have a mask wear.

Prime Minister Markus Söder * already had one on Tuesday (September 8) Press conference declares that for outdoor events of 200 people a Mask requirement it applies, even at Saturday’s demonstration in Munich. According to KVR, the event should start at 3 pm It must be finished no later than 7.30 pm.

Corona Demonstration in Munich: Rush Applications Announced

According to a spokesperson for Munich Administrative Court Urgent motions against the conditions were announced, which had not yet been received by the court. (kam / dpa) * is part of the Ippen digital publishing network nationwide.

Video: Söder takes a special route with Corona rules, which is still different in Bavaria

Ischgl and the strong beer are gone. However, the Free State of Bavaria is once again the leader in terms of the number of corona infections. You want to be a role model. *

You can always read all the news from Bavaria with us.

List of rubric lists: © Peter Kneffel / dpa
