Bavaria tightened the rules for the critical points of the crown


In view of the increase in crown numbers, the Bavarian state government has decided on mandatory restrictions for Free State regions with an incidence value greater than 50. Thereafter, according to Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), there will be a mandatory curfew starting at 10 pm Private celebrations are limited to five people or members of two households, regardless of whether the celebrations are public or private.

In the school sector, according to Söder, the following will apply in the future at the corona hotspots with more than 50 new infections per 100,000 participants within seven days (incidence of seven days): primary school students will also have to wear mouth and nose protection in class. So far, this has been only the urgent recommendation according to the three-stage plan of the Bavarian Ministry of Culture. The Prime Minister stressed that the mask requirement also applies in the afternoons at the after-school care center.

Mask requirement extended from warning value 35

From an incidence of 35, an extended mask requirement will be applied in the Free State, as all the prime ministers decided yesterday. As examples, Söder mentioned universities during the conference, busy places and the workplace, if there is no possible distance there. In addition, the mask requirement applies from an incidence of 35 in sporting and cultural events on the site. There is a curfew from 11 pm in the restaurant sector. In private celebrations, ten people are allowed in this phase, a stricter value than the one agreed yesterday at the national level.

Söder: Measures initially for four weeks.

In the case of “professional events”, for example in the areas of sport or culture, according to Söder, however, the above rules initially apply. Restricted corona hotspots that have been resolved will initially apply for four weeks. It is important to “get back in front of the wave now,” Söder emphasized. How the measures help will be checked weekly. For the conflictive areas of “gastronomy, tourism, culture”, he announced that the state government would also take care of new financial support in the coming days.

Söder described the crown numbers in Germany as “alarming.” In Bavaria, for the first time, more than a thousand new infections were reported in one day, or 1,072. Eleven Bavarian municipalities had exceeded the limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, 15 more were above the warning value of 35. Across Bavaria, the incidence is 31.9, so the infection rate is “extremely dynamic”.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the numbers soared in many European countries. There are closures, exit restrictions, quarantine measures for certain municipalities. The Czech government has already asked the Free State whether it will provide hospital beds for intensive care patients. “Which, of course, we will do,” Söder emphasized.

The accommodation ban in Bavaria remains for the moment

The controversial accommodation ban in Bavaria remains for the time being, as the Prime Minister said. But he is aware of the problems. The state government is now looking very closely at the ruling in Baden-Württemberg, where the administrative court overturned the accommodation ban in the state in the morning. In addition, it will be closely monitored whether other federal states implement Wednesday’s resolutions quickly. So, according to Söder, the need to ban accommodation could become superfluous. Söder emphasized again that this was not a holiday ban, but a “test holiday”. He added: “We believe that it is still a sensible measure.”

Finance Minister Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters) once again made it clear that he was skeptical of the accommodation ban. In a hotel with all hygiene requirements, there is no greater risk of infection than in many areas of public life, for example in public transport. Therefore, he urged that a workable solution be found for all at the federal level in November.

Agreement between the federal and state governments on hotspot restrictions

The Prime Minister of the Federal States and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) agreed on Wednesday after around eight hours of deliberations on stricter regional restrictions for corona hotspots, in which the limit of 50 new infections per 100,000 was reached. inhabitants in seven days (incidence of seven days). or exceeded. Nationally comparable restrictions should already apply from the warning value of 35, for example an extended mask requirement and restrictions on private celebrations.
