Bavaria is considering compulsory exams in schools at the hotspots of the crown


This article is continually updated and updated.

To allow classes for certain students in counties with a seven-day incidence of more than 100, there should possibly be mandatory testing in schools. After Easter there should be closer evidence, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said after a video change from the cabinet. Education Minister Michael Piazolo (Free Voters) announced that a test is now legally possible.

So far, according to Söder, only nine to ten percent of students and about 40 percent of teachers have used the offer to be assessed. “That still does not give a valid picture of the infection process.” If the number of infections increases, the tests should be done more closely. In order to be able to regularly assess younger children in particular, it should be clarified whether so-called gargle self-tests can be used. The Prime Minister announced that the fourth grades of primary schools should also be classified as final grades so that they could also receive alternate classes if the incidence was higher.

Söder: There are probably no big hotel openings at Easter

Heading into Easter and the holidays, Söder warned against over-optimism. There will be no big hotel openings. He also came out in favor of mandatory tests for returning travelers, especially with a view to Mallorca vacationers. He wants to bring this up in the talks in Berlin. At the airports in Bavaria, test capabilities will be expanded in any case, so that there can be a test offer for all Easter vacationers, he said.

The Bavarian Prime Minister is more optimistic about Pentecost and the summer. If there will be more vaccination quotas later, more could be opened, Söder said. Therefore, vacancies should be linked to the vaccination quota.

“Race against time”

Facing the current situation of the crown, Söder spoke of a “race against time” and at the same time a “race against the patience of the people”. Crown numbers are high and on the rise, intensive care doctors in hospitals warned. He is firmly convinced that the population continues to appreciate the strategy of caution and prudence. The mood is burdened by the fact that there are smart concepts against the pandemic with vaccination and testing, but there are problems with implementation.

If the Astrazeneca vaccine were to fail permanently, it would be a bitter thing for Europe, according to Söder. Then, in his opinion, it would be necessary to work more intensely on the approval of other vaccines such as the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. In addition, Germany should already take charge of vaccines for next year and vaccines for children, demands the head of the CSU. This time, Germany should not simply reappear on the European map, but must also deal with the contracts with the manufacturers.

Söder: involving more family doctors in vaccinations

But even if the Astrazeneca vaccination stop is to be lifted again soon, there will be challenges, according to Söder: “Astrazeneca will spoil all the beautiful plans because we will have to relax the vaccination bureaucracy and prioritization afterward.” Because then it would not only be necessary to recover the delayed vaccine orders, but also “the round trip with Astrazeneca”. Important for Söder: Astrazeneca would have to be inoculated through family doctors. They could advise their patients whether the Astrazeneca vaccine would be an option for them or not. After all, many people’s concerns about Astrazeneca would remain and would not be easy to dispel, the Prime Minister suspects.

Söder thanked the Bavarian population for their participation in the fight against the pandemic. However, now he also calls on the public to persevere in the fight against Corona. If it is relieved too soon now, it will take longer to reach a lower incidence level.
