Bavaria: Corona mask requirement! All mask rules at a glance: buy, sneeze, punishments


Starting Monday, fighting the coronavirus across Bavaria means: masking! But does that only apply to buses and shops? Or also while pedaling? The most important answers at a glance.

For a long time they have been smiling at us, our great role model: the people who join a mask in front of the mouth and nose walking around Those who have not yet belonged to him will become them. you must do the same from Monday – whether you like it or not. But many still struggle a bit with the masks. Time to get some clarification!

Corona virus: where exactly does the mask requirement apply?

Anyone in Bavaria since Monday go to a shopping store or use public transportation like bus and train, you must wear a mask. The obligation already applies on the platform. You should also wear a mask at banks and gas stations. Alternatively you can mouth and nose cover with towels or scarvesn. Do you drive a car So you don’t need a mask. If you’re still using one, for example, because you’re taking the older neighbor to the doctor, you need to make sure it’s still identifiable. You do not have to wear a mask outdoors, for example when walking or cycling. Also in authorities and medical offices. there is no general obligation to use.

Crown mask requirement in Bavaria as of Monday: Does the obligation apply to everyone?

In principle yes, but only for adults and for children from the age of six. The Bavarian Ministry of Health reports that there is an exception to this rule only if it is “impossible for medical reasons, for example”. Children under the age of six are allowed to wear a mask, but they do not have to, and should not do so if they are constantly removed. Children under one year old should not wear a mask! Students who have classes again from Monday can: but you don’t have to. They must be provided with starter packages with skins.

Crown mask requirement in Bavaria as of Monday: Are there fines if you don’t wear a mask?

If you get caught on the bus, train, or store without nose and mouth protection, you will a fine of 150 euros because Merchants who don’t make sure their staff wear a mouth-to-nose cover may face one Payment of 5000 euros..

“Mask” is also the order of the day in Bavaria starting Monday.

© Imago

What mask is suitable for shopping and bus travel?

It is better to take one “Everyday mask” made of cloth, also called improvised or “community mask”. There is also the medical “Mouth and Nose Protection” (MNS), the classic “surgical mask.” These masks have been tested and certified. “However, medical protection masks must continue Reserved for doctors or nurses, so that they can do their job in the best possible safety, “says Hans-Joachim Niermann, vice president of the Bavarian Pharmacists Association. This applies even more to” half-particle filter masks “of protection class two and three. Unlike surgical masks, these FFP2 / FFP3 masks protect the wearer, but are scarce and an important part The Medical Staff Team – You Must Keep This!

Buying crown: where do you get mouth-nose protection from now on?

The situation had changed in pharmacies. somewhat relaxed at the end. However, this should change due to obligation. There are also masks on Online medical supply stores and retailers.. The latter also offer cloth masks. This also applies to some tailors and traditional costumes. Aldi Süd has also announced that it will soon offer cloth or paper masks. Or it can simply be sewn.

Purchase and cost: Corona mask requirement in Bavaria from Monday

Even stitched masks usually cost between five and 15 euros, depending on the material and equipment. So there are some to tie, but also with rubber or velcro. With surgical masks prices have risen. While these masks were previously available for a few cents each, they are now often more than two euros. If you can’t afford that, you will need a scarf or scarf. There are also manufacturers on the Internet that offer “solidarity masks” for those in need. free offer. The costs are borne by the buyers who also pay a mask for those in need when ordering. The fee is limited.

If you want to sew masks yourself: what material should it be?

This should be as tight as possible and the best they are made of 100 percent cotton, says the Bavarian Ministry of Health. “Other materials such as vacuum bags and cardboard” are not suitable. This also applies to masks made from coffee filters, a popular craft suggestion on the Internet. The manufacturer “Melitta” points out that its filters have fine pores. “Corona viruses 0.12 to 0.16 microns in size” are “many times smaller.” With filter bag masks, there is often a problem with the fit as well.

Crown Mask Requirement in Bavaria: Do they protect everyday masks?

You cannot protect yourself with it, not directly. But everyday masks can measure up to others. protect to some extent. If everyone wears a mask, you ultimately benefit, however it is unclear how good this third-party protection is. Solid scientific evidence for this is lacking: this has already been pointed out by Professor Christian Drosten, chief virologist at Berlin Charité.

It is conceivable that masks at least Catch the drops that are emitted when you talk or laugh – and thus protect others a bit if you carry the virus with you. “Because large numbers of unrecognized patients move in public spaces with no symptoms, mouth and nose protection protects other people, thereby reducing the spread of infection and therefore indirectly reducing the risk of get an infection, “says Professor Clemens Wendtner, an infectologist. The Munich Schwabing Clinic.

Crown Mask Requirement: Are the masks resistant to a loud sneeze?

Nonresearchers at Asan Medical Center in Seoul, South Korea recently reached this conclusion, as reported in the journal “Annals Often Internal Medicine.” Four people infected with Sars-CoV-2 were asked to cough on a plate 20 centimeters away. The experiment was performed once without protection, then with an operating mask and with a cotton mask. The researchers then compared the virus concentration in the dishes and that of a throat swab. They found: either unprotected or wearing an operating mask, when coughing made little difference. If an infected person wore a cotton mask, there was slightly less pathogen in the shell than with an operational mask. None of the masks provided real protection when coughing.

Crown mask requirement: can they damage masks?

Yes, if you think you are protected only by the mask and neglected important rules. Therefore, you must keep a distance of 1.5 meters from others with a mask, often wash your hands and sneeze in the curve of your arm. Taking off the mask all the time is not a good idea. But many will, fear Frank Ulrich Montgomery, president of the World Medical Association and critic of the mask requirement. If used incorrectly, masks even become dangerous: The virus is concentrated in the fabric, when you lose weight you touch the skin of your face, you can hardly get infected faster.

What should you consider when using it?

Before putting on, you should shake hands. wash well with soap and water. So, there are no germs that get from the fingers to the inside of the mask. Place them firmly so that as little air as possible penetrates the sides. Eyeglass wearers must take special care that the mask also fits snugly on the nose; otherwise the glasses will fog up. A thin stitched wire ensures a good fit. If the mask is wet, you should change it. When lying down, be careful with the outside do not touch and then wash your hands again.

Disinfect the mouth and nose protection: what to do with the used mask?

Actually, surgical masks are for Single Use. In the Bavarian Pharmacists Association (BAV), it is justifiable to carry them a maximum of three times in daily life; they must be discarded at the latest. In between, you can add them according to the BAV Place in the oven at 80 degrees for half an hour. Cloth masks can be used multiple times. You must let them air dry at home, otherwise they will become a paradise for mold and bacteria. It is best to wash the mask as soon as possible, at 60 to 90 degrees and with detergent. This can also be done by hand washing. Then let it dry well. Whoever wants can make cotton masks iron at the highest level – This also has a disinfecting effect. Microwave heating is not an alternative; masks with metal supports even pose a fire hazard.

Crown Mask Requirement: Can You Still Get Enough Air Under A Mask?

A WhatsApp message is currently circulating, according to which a large amount of carbon dioxide accumulates under the masks, which is particularly dangerous for children. But the fact is that gaseous carbon dioxide is generally contained in exhaled air in a higher concentration than in inhaled air. However, the gas particles are so small that easily pierces the mask. This even applies to denser FFP masks, which, by the way, make breathing difficult – another reason not to wear them in everyday life!

The mask requirement is intended to curb the spread against Corona. However, there are also faulty protective masks. There are warnings of numerous models from China.

In the Corona crisis, restaurateurs in Bavaria are slowly but surely losing patience. Meanwhile, managers openly oppose the loss of their business base.

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Julian Stratenschulte
