Barack Obama finds clear words for Donald Trump


  • Matthis Pechtold

    sinceMatthis Pechtold


  • Delia friess

    Delia friess


Barack Obama reviews his eight years as president of the United States in his recently published autobiography. Obama has one more advice for Donald Trump.

  • A promised land: Former President Barack Obama published his on November 17 memories and analyze why Donald trump Could become president.
  • Appealed in an interview for CBS Obama a Triumph, his defeat in the United States Election to accept.
  • 2020 U.S. Elections: In Your book writes Barack Obama on the radicalization of the Republicans.

Updated Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 4 pm: Barack Obama today he has his autobiography “A promised land“released. In the book, in German with the name”A promised land“Available, hit the first President of the United States detailed information on his mandate and extensive comments on his experience with heads of state and government of other countries. The book, so far translated into 25 languages, is 1024 pages long. It should only be the first of multiple volumes.

In an interview on the CBS show “60 Minutes” Barack Obama, who was named the first black president of the USA in 2008, presented his book and did not miss the opportunity to speak with his intimate enemy and loser in the 2020 American elections. Donald trump appeal. First, he must commit to the country and accept his electoral defeat, Scott Pelley told interviewer.

That Donald Triumph continue to hold on to the signal from the office to opponents of United States Weakness, like the events of recent years. Barack Obama also gave information in an interview about the difficulty of reconciling his family life with the presidency. His wife Michelle would have won the elections in 2008 Obama in the same way that a small burden is lifted from the shoulders: “the tribute [eine US-Präsidentschaft, Anm. d. Red] Demand families, be tall. “

too Donald trump He was a guest on the CBS show a few weeks ago; broke off the conversation with presenter Lesley Stahl after about 20 minutes.

No friends: Barack Obama and Donald Trump at the White House the day after Trump’s 2016 election

© Michael Reynolds / dpa

Updated on Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 7:27 am: Former Republican candidate for vice presidency, Sarah Palin, has been based on the words of the memoirs of the former president of the United States. Barack Obama answer back. Palin was especially bothered by the part of the book that describes her as the pioneer of a “xenophobic, anti-intellectual and paranoid” wing within the Republican Party.

“It’s good to know that I haven’t had his head out of my head for twelve years,” the Alaska governor said in an interview with right-wing Newsmax TV. Called the title of the book (“A promised land”) Sarah Palin “Creepy” and said in the direction Barack Obama: “Who does he think he is? Moses? That sounds like 2008.”

Sarah Palin attacks former President Barack Obama in an interview with Newsmax TV and defends Donald Trump.

© Screenshot from Yotube / Newsmax TV

Sarah Palin: Donald Trump fights multiple enemies

Sarah Palin was next to in 2008 John McCain in the electoral campaign against Barack Obama Y Joe biden drawn. The Republicans lost the election, Palin returned to Alaska. Since 2016 he has been a regular supporter of the president-elect Donald trump in.

Noisy Sarah Palin Neither Barack Obama nor the “mainstream media,” not even his own party, understand the movement they started and the Donald trump have continued. “I was not invited to the inauguration and I was not allowed to speak at our party’s conference,” Palin said. He only had warm words for Trump. He would fight three opponents at the same time: the Democrats, the media, and his own party.

First Report November 13, 2020: Washington – After four years Donald trump try its predecessor Barack Obama to analyze how it might arise. “A promised land” wants the changes in the United States from his 2008 presidency and the development of polarization to Donald trump reflect. ObamaThe 768-page book will be published on November 17 and, at the same time, also in Germany under the title “A Promised Land”.

Donald Trump: Obama sees himself as a trigger for American polarization

“It was as if my very presence in the White House had released a deep-seated panic, an idea that the natural order had been disrupted,” he writes. Obama in his book on his election as the first black president of the United States. In this atmosphere I have Donald trump It started with the claims that Obama he was not born in the US and therefore not a legitimate president of the US “Millions of Americans, who were scared by a black man in the White House, promised a cure for their racist fears.” Obama. Obama but he also writes about the fears and concerns about the safety of his family that the Birthers affirm Donald trumps with his wife Michelle Obama unchained.

Barack Obama: Donald Trump denies the legitimacy of democracy

The newspaper published the foreword to Obama’s new book The Atlantic in advance. In it he writes Obamathat American democracy has not only been in crisis since Donald Trump’s electoral victory in 2016. Rather, the crisis is rooted in a fundamental battle between two opposing views of what America is and should be. The result was a violation of institutional norms.

Barack Obama sees himself as the trigger for polarization in the United States.

© Andrew Harnik

Obama but have firm faith in Joe biden Y Kamala harris. However, a single choice cannot fundamentally change anything. “Our divisions are deep, our challenges are enormous.” Obama. In an interview with CBS News he warned Obamathat TriumphBehavior is another step, not just the new one. Biden-Government, but also to deny democracy as a whole its legitimacy. “It is a dangerous road,” Obama said.

Donald Trump: American Politics Divided In Election Year 2008

Polarization has gotten loud Obamais a Sarah Palin as a running mate for the then defeated Republican presidential nominee John McCain uttered: “With Palin, it seemed that the dark spirits that had long lurked on the fringes of the modern Republican Party – xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, paranoid conspiracy theories, an antipathy to blacks and browns – would find their way onto the stage. principal”.

With the choice Palins als Running Mate habe McCain “He foresaw the submission of future politicians, for a turn of the center of his party and the politics of the country as a whole in a direction that he detested”, so Obama. McCain died in 2018. Obama He also writes, according to CNN, that he imagines McCain I probably would have decided differently in hindsight. McCain is considered a vehement critic Donald trumps.

Barack Obama on Joe Biden: decent, honest and loyal

The critic Harry Siegel of the news portal “The Daily Beast” would use some phrases from the Obama biography in the books. Triumphs wish. After four years Triumph It is comforting to re-experience how sober and fresh politics can be.

about Joe biden writes Barack Obama in his new book also: Joe biden Be decent, honest, and loyal. But it can also get “prickly” if you don’t get what you deserve. (Delia Friess with agencies)

Rubriklistenbild: © Michael Reynolds / EPA / dpa
