Bamberg: hotel welcomes guests without a mask – police operation


A police operation in Bamberg got out of control: a hotel in the city had advertised with the words “Guests without mouth and nose protection are also welcome.” Later, the police intervened for violating the Infection Protection Act and encountered resistance.

The innkeeper and his wife confronted the police. Four officers were slightly injured in the operation, police announced Wednesday. “That ranges from scratches on the forehead to crooked fingers,” said a spokesman. But all have returned to service.

A tourist had informed the police that the hotel explicitly welcomed guests without a mask. According to the information, the employees also did not wear mouth and nose protection during the check and the distance rules were not observed. The hotelier and his wife are said to have filmed the operation despite various instructions from the police.

According to the police, they refused to hand over the cell phone and slightly injured the officers. Police are now investigating assaults, resistance to law enforcement officers, insults and violations of the Infection Protection Act.

A fine of 250 euros for violating the mask requirement.

In Bavaria, for a few weeks now, tougher fines have been imposed for violations of the mask requirement. 250 euros are owed, in case of recidivism 500 euros.

A police check at a Bamberg pub only escalated over the weekend. According to Bayerischer Rundfunk, the guests insulted the officers and poured drinks on them.

Icon: The mirror
